Collective Deck Corner

Using this thread to collect published deck I’ve put out organized by theme and provide some additional info and my personal comments as I work through them myself. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to share them here.


Grammar Deck N5-N1: Comprehension

**About: **
This deck includes grammar entries and sentences on for levels N5-N1. Each card is has a hyperlink to the JLPT Sensei’s website for full description and usage. Please support their web traffic and/or patreon as they made this content possible. Layouts modified from Hine’s awesome 10k template, audio auto-generated via Neicudi kitsun magic.

How to Use this Deck:

Deck templates are seperated by N Level (sentences) or grammar point alone (vocab) which is also tagged by N level. Number tags are aligned with JLPT sensei’s grammar number listed on their website as well as sentence example #

There is also a BunPro hyperlink for grammar info reference (if entry matched to BP’s list) and can be used alongside as a recognition deck to compliment productive entry practice.

Having trouble reading Vocab?

Vocab mining extensions for Kitsun:


Fire Fox

Grammar Deck Den Thread

Skill Level: All

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Comments: I actively use this deck myself and a response to what I was lacking on other grammar platforms to further my studies; namely I wanted to eliminate reliance on English for the SRS review and wanted a build up concept in order actively understand grammar points base on reading/listening comprehension without any English in the question. I highly recommend using the ‘Vocab Grammar Point N5-N1’ prior to sentence study as this will make the transition much smoother. JLPT Sensei did a great job organizing and explaining their grammar.

Another tip: Jisho Japanese App uses the same grammar order so a great way to get some additional study (plus works great off-line)


This deck includes the so-called ‘N0’ grammar entries from the NihongoSensei, jn1et and blognihongo.

On the NihongoSensei sentence entries, English translations are auto-generated, so if any of you Kitsun :fox_face: grammar-maniacs want to smooth out any translations, feel free to propose them (Chinese entries are from the website).

Skill Level: Advanced

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Comment: Organized a differently that the above, these are full entries from a variety of sources and include alot of content on each card. I haven’t dug in on this deck myself but wouldn’t get too overwhelmed as some of the points I’ve seen in lower N levels so not entirely rare. I’d put it as a slow-burner deck given the content per card.

Grammar Deck N5-N1: Translation

Grammar deck - #29 by s1212z


Japanese STT Speech Deck

What is it?

Using FORVO’s useful travel phrases and expression, this deck is intended to be used by a verbal dictation keyboard speech to text (STT). Each card includes two distinctive native audio samples.

Everyday phrases
Receiving care
Getting around
Drinking & dining
Directions & locating

Layouts include:
Reading from Japanese - Read aloud the phrase, dictate verbal entry
Audio Shadow - Listen to the native audio phrase, repeat via dictate verbal entry
Sentence Recall from English - Test your recall to remember the Japanese phrase from English

Den Thread

Skill levels - All
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Comments: Intended to have an independent feedback loop on pronunciation threshold using STT. So those who or interested in improving pitch accent or shadowing via ear training w/ native samples, this may be the deck for you.

It starts simple but the phrasing do increase in difficulty, all with practical phrases for when in Japan. Even those experienced to conversation would likely find a few new phrases. The banking phrases for instance are something I’ve never practiced before or asking for directions, not usual conversation practice unless role playing but can see how it would be useful abroad.

Japanese Conversation Conveying Feelings 180 Basic Expressions

Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
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Comment: A great book series, some basic phrases great for beginners but a few new gems for the intermediate level I’ve found as well, all very practical

210 Additional Super-Miniature Phrases for Immediate Use

Skill Level: All

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Comment: Part 2 from the 180 deck above. Again some very basic vocab/phrase mixed with intermediate. Much of these are heard often all the time in conversation and media.



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A work in progress as the WK reading club expands the list

Kiki's Delivery Service

List from WK book club
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Vocab & Expressions


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Comment: Good vocab list

日本語会話お決まり表現 180

Level: Intermediate
Here it here


This is a companion deck to the book that teaches " ‘set expressions’ Japanese people often use but are not introduced in textbooks". Nearly all expressions and idioms were generated through Kitsun’s dictionary w/ audio along with a few extra notes on abstract entries.

The book itself includes at least two conversations per entry for reading and listening (CD or upload) along with a layout by category and other extras so recommended to have a better understanding of context (but not necessary). 200 pgs, ~1500 yen

*update 6/24/2020 The deck has been updated with additional sentence examples along with proper chapter tags for book study. The sentences are not from the book but I added as many as I could find from reliable sources.

Comment: A useful deck, these expressions and idioms quite often.

四字熟語 for Kitsun

Skill level: Intermediate-Advanced
Collected by mostly commonly encountered


This deck contains 700+ of the most common yojijukugo words from (recommended deck filter order):

  1. 四字熟語データバンク人気四字熟語[TOP50]
    -50 of the most common
    -Tagged by both writing and speaking frequency ranking

  2. 小学生のうちに覚えたい四字熟語の一覧表:ドリル

  3. Included in HKES : 4 sources only

  4. Community Recommendation

Not intended to be a comprehensive list, just enough for the casual learner. There are thousands of possible words, feel free to recommend additions in the Den thread if common enough.

Den thread

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Japa Slang

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Content from

Warning: Explicit Content that some may find offensive. Proceed at your own risk!

5 categories tagged in deck:
-Offensive & Dirty
-Internet Slang

Most is kana only, so set to Jp->Meaning and Eng->Jp

Skill Level: Intermediate
Comment: It gets pretty dirty but a fun study to break things up sometimes when studying other material.


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Comment: A very practical vocab list, books has good example sentence as well

N5-N1 Vocabulary List

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Vocab list from Vocabulary Lists - Japanese Dictionary Tangorin tagged by N-level

Most Popular Japanese Slang



Kanji Writing Deck

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This deck contains 2210 kanji cards tagged by N5-N1.

Kanji writing Output: (for phone/tablet app)
Meaning + Reading → Kanji Write (note: only available layout)

There are several handwriting keyboards depending on device. For iphone Chinese Simplified handwriting keyboard works pretty good.

Links to WaniKani and Jisho in cards

Kitsun App here

Kitsun WaniKani Filter here

Kanji Stroke Order Guide here

Level: All

Comment: This deck has been a essential for my studies and fills the gap some of other kanji platforms I’ve tried.

The Lost WK Levels: 61-70

Level: Advanced

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The Lost WK Levels deck includes the remaining N1 & 常用漢字 367 kanji not included on WaniKani based on wkstats to create levels 61-70. All kanji have custom mnemonics and all cards are seperated by level tag which can be filtered to recreate the WK experience along with optional 466 vocab words. If you want an even more extensive kanji list, I suggestion checking out the Beyond WK kanji deck.

Den Thread

Output practice: Kanji Writing deck here, tag filter ‘Lost Levels’ (then can filter by ‘known’ studied kanji)

Comment: Use it like WK or not, Kitsun is a flexible platform and also marked for the Kanji Writing app to work alongside.

Kanji Reading & Meaning Deck

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Level: All


This deck contains 2210 kanji cards tagged by N5-N1.

This is a sister deck to the Kanji Writing Deck that uses writing output via writing keyboard. The reading and meaning deck allows reviews easier for regonition either by typing or flip.

Links to WaniKani and Jisho in cards

Kitsun App here

Kitsun WaniKani Filter here

Kanji Stroke Order Guide here

Complete Jouyou Kanji Writing Layout

Template Layout can be found here

Details here



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Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Comment: Enough Kansai-ben comes up in media to make a worthwhile study even if not local and seems native outside of Kansai region know a good amount themselves. It’s one of those decks I can slow burn…but if you live there, I could see it being essential.


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Level: Advanced

Comment: Most of these won’t be known unless native to Fukushima region and some even vary depending if which region you live.


WaniKani Known Kanji & Vocab Filter

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ATTENTION: This is not a Study Deck or intended for reviews!!

This deck contains kanji and vocab tagged by WaniKani level to be used as a filter to add ‘known’ kanji and or vocab to your Kitsun account. Once an item is marked as ‘known’, you can filter decks of your choosing (community or personal) by hibernating ‘known’ vocab/kanji that you already studied on WaniKani. Also adds as ‘known’ within Reader to give percentage of known vocabulary for parsed texts.

**How to Use: **

Open deck → Manage Cards → Deck Filter → Select Level Tag → Add to known words (Actions button). There are number of filter actions that may be used.

City and Prefecture Word List: Japan

Skill level: All

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Comment: I think this would be useful if traveling or living in a particular area to become familiar with cities in particular prefectures. If you start to recognize the signs while traveling, the deck serve it’s purpose. Not really intended to grind every card but I at least have all the prefectures and major cities and select areas I’d like to know better.



This is a compliment deck to the geography Prefectures of Japan deck (highly recommended) but this one only focuses on the readings and recall. So recommend both for separate study.

Tag: ‘Prefectures’


This is a complete list based on wiki entry List of Cities in Japan. Cities are tagged by both prefecture and as type:

City designated by government ordinance 政令指定都市
Core city 中核市
Special city 特例市
Special ward 特別区

Japanese Surnames: 500 Most Common

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Vocab Mining Extension (Chrome)

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Thanks so much for all the effort you put into creating and curating these decks! I’m certain they are very helpful for other Japanese learners :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Kanken Writing Input Template for Kitsun App

Hi All,

Just wanted to share a layout that I customized for the Complete Jouyou Kanji Writing Deck, complete download can be found here. The Kitsun layout can be found in the Community Centre here. The deck is intended to be used via the Kitsun App here to enable writing input.

Essentially, I wanted to use this deck content with Kitsun’s input methods. I’ve been running this in parallel with the Kanji Writing Deck listed above, which tests kanji meaning recall to writing so I found the Jouyou compliments well as another unique method along with additional vocab recall in context to content and listening audio as a different testing method. The original author did a real nice job putting it together!


Mazec is a very good keyboard kanji drawing app (but not free) is what I’m using. I don’t know of a better writing keyboard but it works with kana and kanji and seems to have a ton of flexibility

Mazec iOS

Mazec Google Play

If not familiar with how to upload an Anki deck in Kitsun, here is my recommend method.

How to Upload

  1. Create a new deck via the + symbol

  2. Upload the Kitsun template from community centre

  3. Upload the the Anki CJKW deck

  4. Import via Anki

  5. Select Manual

  6. Drop in the apkg file

  7. Select the deck from step 1

  8. Select layout from step 2![Screen Shot 2022-12-28 at 7.36.01 PM|690x478]

  9. The anki package has extra package ‘basic’ isn’t a card. You can use any template to satisfy the ‘front’ ‘back’ as this is just a coversheet the author used (not for cards). Most important is Writing Cards and follow below

  10. Match exactly as below. Please note Reading->Kanji and Vocabuulary-> is the match! Otherwise all same name

  11. Select ‘Kanji Writing’ for Layout![Screen Shot 2022-12-28 at 6.31.44 PM|690x325]
    The basic, pick anything (does not matter as this will be deleted)

  12. Start upload. It has alot of media so may take a few minutes

  13. All set! I then recommend deleting the extra template in deck manager here:

Why not just publish the deck?

I’d just assume the original deck author host the deck for all uploads on anki with media. This way they get web-traffic for their patreon and no copyright issues on media for Kitsun.

Any limitations?

Kitsun could not upload multiple diagrams per value so you will see one kanji stroke diagram per entry. However I added hyperlinks to Jisho which shows video gifs of brush strokes if you use the vocab link and look at the kanji entry.

My CSS skills are limited and heavily borrowed (but I am learning :slight_smile: ), so feel free to customize to your liking.

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Japanese Surnames: 500 Most Common is now updated to include 500 of the most frequent. Index is now based frequency number as well along with included frequency map and link to entry.

Card Sample

@Neicudi, could you please delete this duplicates marked for deletion? Thx!
