Grammar deck

Deck here

**About: **
This deck includes grammar entries and sentences on for levels N5-N1. Each card is has a hyperlink to the JLPT Sensei’s website for full description and usage. Please support their web traffic and/or patreon as they made this content possible. Layouts modified from Hine’s awesome 10k template, audio auto-generated via Neicudi kitsun magic.

How to Use this Deck:

Deck templates are seperated by N Level (sentences) or grammar point alone (vocab) which is also tagged by N level. Number tags are aligned with JLPT sensei’s grammar number listed on their website as well as sentence example #

There is also a BunPro hyperlink for grammar info reference (if entry matched to BP’s list) and can be used alongside as a recognition deck to compliment productive entry practice.

Having trouble reading Vocab?

Vocab mining extensions for Kitsun:


Fire Fox


Nice! Thank you for taking on this project :grin:

Have you considered adding furigana to the sentence itself when hovering? I believe Hine’s Genki deck does this. I think it’s a better solution than having a full sentence written in hiragana. That looks confusing to me.

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Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

I figured this might come up…yes, I did give quite a bit of thought on this and did reach out if there were any solutions as the context sentence on solution side supports it on 10k template. Obviously Kitsun can’t do this within its framework (yet) but there may be potential in supporting in the future though told the accuracy might be suspect. If I had to guess, those decks you mentioned were aided by furigana extensions within Anki as I believe they were Anki decks first (which I have no knowledge on or usage experience).

This deck was created via csv; google sheets has no such solution from what I explored (unless possibly scripted). I tried switching to JP excel on phonetic formulas but I ran into issues on 365 and looking through some forums, I wasn’t alone. There are number of online converters but the process was not clean to what I need…also looked into microsoft word which can get what I want via a number of steps. The main issue was re-organizing 7500+ sentence which would have to be manually organized and easy to make mistakes. Given some of these auto-furigana are prone to throw errors as well, I reverted back to the hiragana provided by JLPT Sensei.

I recognize it is not ideal, hopefully it’s not a deal breaker for Kitsun users (or very least a motivator to improve reading to get off relying on furigana :grin:). Testing myself, alot of these sentences are generally on the shorter side comparing to my WK sentence deck I use…overall easier too (though that deck does throw furigana errors so a bit of a balance on accuracy vs. convenience). I know there are desktop extensions as well if. I’d consider ideas if you or someone has an elegant solution though it took quite bit of time to upload plus edit within Kitsun to get this ready to share, so something internal would be ideal at this juncture but I’m open to ideas.

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I thought about searching for a grammar deck just the other day and recently started supporting JLPT sensei, what a weird coincidence.

Will try the deck out, thanks.


I’m just here to ask if you got my request for modification? :smiley:
I’m not quite sure how they work yet, so I thought I’d ask.


Yup, I accepted the change earlier. The original is typo’d, thx for the catch :slightly_smiling_face:


I also noticed something else, I forgot to ask, but what is the order for reading this?
I’ve noticed there are Example #1, Example #2 far below for the first examples.

So, I just continue practicing until I find them again? Is this the intended way of using it? :face_with_monocle:

I’ll try to answer best I can, hope this helps.

Example Sentences are organized like this:

For example for あえて is the #1 on the grammar list
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Here is the first example
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For Kitsun:

Index: Example #1
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Tag filter under N1 template: Example, grammar point number (1), and N level
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Vocab Entries

All entries are in a single template
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Also have the same tag, ‘1’ the 1 in the grammar JLPT per that grammar level
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You will also notice the first example sentence is the one used for the vocab entry

Layout filtering

So the layout filtering can run in a number of ways:

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The listening comprehension should be in N order like above. Those templates are all the same so they didn’t get an individual ‘N’ label but a user should have control to listen comprehend per N level if so desired.

I’m not sure why there are doubles of vocab recall & vocab recognition… I don’t see a separate template. If in doubt, just engage both to what ever preferred.

How to use this Deck

Obviously there is a lot of autonomy here. And much like users who jump into BunPro, everyone has a different level anyone can start in a different place for their learning needs or to have a specific exercise they want to work on. So custom tag filtering on your needs is highly recommended

How I’m using it:

I’m using the vocab first … this helps develop recognition alot with recall for Eng->Jp. It also give a bit of focus to understand the form, looks at the hyperlinks, read the sentence…whatever to lock-in the meaning. And the recall has definitely helped with output as well thus far.

Once I have some mastery, I’ll start drilling the sentences to reading comprehension and listening recognition more. I feel the TTS is definitely strong enough for listening comprehension, I think it does very good in the deck…for shadowing, pitch awareness and inflection to the context, I would definitely use native materials and something like Subs2kitsun with pro actors is even better.

How many sentences per grammar point?

Well, that’s up to you. There are a lot of sentences and sentence reviews take time along with audio comprehension if including though the JLPT sensei sentence are very streamlined and short which is helpful. Personally, I will strategize as needed and I’m already swamped with other stuff. I will probably filter tag to #2 examples sentences to get a fresh sentence to practice on and then add additional however needed. Certainly, utilizing every single card is an option as well as is adding all sentences to a struggling grammar point.

One more tip: If you struggling to read a sentence, much better to play the audio IMO than just read the kana. Kana reading is easy, so since there is no furigana I’ve found a benefit to playing more audio than I usually would just for better ear training


So far this deck has been really useful for me; And thanks for the explanation on how things work.
My question is a bit outside the scope of this deck, but, do you know about any other place we can ask about some grammar points?

I was asking around some of my “More Japanese” fluent people in my friend list, but it seems this phrase is a bit hard to parse.



だけ I understand.
But I don’know what to do with the だと part, either is it the end of the small sentence with だ and と is just the particle used in a different way to what I’ve seen before?
Or だと is a word that doesn’t have a real translation?"

Where would you ask things like this? :face_with_monocle:

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I’m glad you find it useful :slightly_smiling_face:

You can ask here, though the Kitsun Discord seems a bit more active for something quicker. BunPro has an individual topic for every grammar point. Many times the same question gets ask so the archive is useful plus their team is active to answer questions. I believe there is also a thread for brief grammar questions on WaniKani and that community is very active as well to help out, can share link if interested. Neither need a paid account for community activity.

You can break this sentence something like 問題はそれだけだ (that’s all there is to the problem)+ と思うかい (do you think?).と思う is a grammar point in itself using a と particle and かい as a strong masculine question marker. And だ as the casual form for です here. You can find と思う and かい in N4 list if you haven’t seen it yet. Probably no harm skipping around if doing N5 now IMO, both are very common.

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@Mikolertesx, thanks for the pickup, I fixed the それから entries however I can’t fix the example sentences for #6 and #7.

@Neicudi , I added the kana to the syntax for the mp3 in the value for #6 and #7, would you be able to update on your side? The trick to specify reading in the dictionary generator hasn’t been a consistent workaround. Sometimes I’ve been using another AI generator but my free trial is up :sweat_smile:


Same thing happens with the tari~ tari~

I’m almost done with the level 5 of grammar hahah!
Thank you so much.

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Thanks, will fix tomorrow. Even though I spot checked frequently on the upload, there was a lot of manual editing to get this deck to work so these errors are bound to happen (and new users so have to encounter them). But thanks for reporting and patience, the feedback loop works :kithappy:

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Hey, as long as you’re okay with mantaining it :v, I’ll always appreciate it, knowing that it’s not your obligation, at all.

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All set on たり〜たり

Also replaced the #6, 7 on それから, I found another sound source so skip that request above, @Neicudi


Ah that’s easy :wink:


@Mikolertesx I agree with the entry on ちゃいけない・じゃいけない.
‘無視する(むしする)- to ignore’, is the noun+suru verb so probably the hiragana only makes it a bit confusing.

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A bit out of topic, but-

I feel proud of this.

I finished the JLPT-5 sentences :smiley:
And I understand all of them, because I’ve been asking around in Discord, to some Japanese friends, some students of Japanese.

LETS GO. I only learnt to read them, and I’m using Bun pro to get more in depth with this.
Thank you for the Deck, it improved my understanding of Japanese a lot.


There are many layout that doesn’t seems to serve a purpose, could you clean them up or rename them so its more understable?

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

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The layouts are specific to N-level because they are unique templates to give the user some freedom. So you could presumably practice just N5 comprehension and then just N1 sentence recognition…that was generally the idea.

I see how some of the labeling may have been confusing so I just updated the names for the comprehension for the corresponding N-level as well has the N5-N1 Vocab template. I was having issues updating before but seems to work now. Take a look and see what you think, thx for catching :slight_smile:

Edit: I see there are extras for some reason, will check again in a bit

![Screen Shot 2022-05-26 at 12.36.09 PM|235x500](upload://cXnj72N9LtoNsUzs8wWCC3mdjle.png

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