Please use this thread to discuss anything related to the Kitsun Optimized Core 10k community deck.
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Please use this thread to discuss anything related to the Kitsun Optimized Core 10k community deck.
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We hope you enjoy the deck!
You know my feedback already, but I’d like to be able to quiz Kanji --> Reading.
I would like to include it. Somebody get @neicudi to move forward with implementing sibling filtering!
Should I spam you with my lists here or continue sending them through PM? In here, we could have some lovely feedback from other people, but I suggest too much
The details feature is your friend!
Ok then. I already sent this to @hinekidori a long time ago, but I’ll post it in here in case someone disagrees with my suggestions :DD
The link above might help you with explaining the nuances of all the words meaning dinner. Check the last comment in that link for the best answer.一言
Check this page for the differences in readings that exist in 一言.広める-広げる-and-広まる-広がる
I might just continue sending them through PM to Hine (because I send it in a word doc, which might be easier for Hine to organize himself) and here cuz suggestions :DD
I would also add that some people don’t like that word. I don’t, for instance.
The etymology of that word just sucks.
Why not both?
Either way is fine with me. I will try to keep track of it all.
Yeah 家内 is not great. What is the preferred word? 妻? 女房?
Yeah, I’ll do both Let me know when you’re into doing say 2 pages of edits and I’ll post them here some days beforehand or so. Until you catch up, I wanna release my suggestions gradually so that things don’t get missed.
I like 妻, personally. I feel it’s the most neutral.
I’ve only heard middle-aged men use 女房, so that’s the association I have in mind, but it might just be me.
Edit: I somehow failed to notice that the full message didn’t get posted.
Btw, one thing that I’m doing (and that I won’t mention in my lists) is that I’m adding transitivity to all verbs. If I had to choose what to do first, I’d do that (at least for the first 1 or 2k).
Why don’t you make a verb pair deck?
@Neicudi Is there a way to have a card take more than one answer or do a matching type of card? For transitivity testing, it would be good to have both verbs visible and you have to pick which one is transitive and which one is intransitive.
I don’t know? xD Tbh, I think improving the Core 10k takes priority for now. Plus, I know zero about making layouts/templates (nor do I intend to learn, at least for now). If we’re ever able to teamwork for the same deck as creators, I won’t have any problem contributing with making/improving the content itself. I already have 30% of the Core 10k revised and I’m learning a lot doing so.
I’m not 100% sure what you mean by ‘Is there a way to have a card take more than one answer’. I’m guessing you don’t mean the comma delimited answers (e.g. ‘hello,hi,hola’) but more of a multiple choice kinda thingy?
Like two inputs or matching (A and B on the left, X and Y on the right, and you have to match for example A to X and B to Y). That kind of thing.
There isn’t atm. Although multiple choice is coming sooner or later. Not sure how much demand there would be for a matching type though as it seems rather specific. I can put it in the #site-feedback:feature-voting category if you want?
It feels like it would be useful for medics? I don’t really know why, just… feels that way, haha. Might be something to ponder once you start to get more than just language learners on here.
Part 2 of my suggestions is here.
I’ll be adding every suggested change to this post, so that everything is easier to search for Hine.
The link above might help you with explaining the nuances of all the words meaning dinner. Check the last comment in that link for the best answer.一言
Check this page for the differences in readings that exist in 一言.広める-広げる-and-広まる-広がる
Do what you want with this xD
Added “Spring equinox” to the meanings of 春分
For 秋分、I added “fall equinox” as a meaning.
For あっさり、I removed the meaning “easily” because “bluntly” is more accurate, and added the 2nd meaning “lightly (seasoned food, applied make-up, etc)”.
For 秋風、I added “fall breeze” as a meaning.
For どうにか, I changed the meaning “somehow” to “in one way or another”. There are a lot of “somehow”s already in the deck. This is to help distinguish them.
For 内心, I added “in one’s heart” as a meaning.
For 肝心, I added the meaning “vital” because I feel like it’s easier to associate that translation to the word itself, due to the fact that the JP word uses the kanji for liver and heart.
For 思いがけない、I added the meaning “contrary to expectations” because it feels closer to the JP word.
For 思いやり、I added “consideration” as the main meaning.
For 知事、I changed the meaning of “governor” to “prefectural governor” to be clearer of what it is.
For 未知、I added the meaning “not yet known” because it helps so much to understand the kanji and therefore, memorize the word.
For 可, I added the meaning “acceptable”. I also added that it’s used as a suffix to the PoS.
For 不明、I changed the meaning from “unknown” to “unclear”. It’s so much clearer this way.
For 不安、I changed the meaning from “worried” to “anxiety”.
For 不通、I added the meaning “suspension”.
For しょっちゅう、I added the meaning “constantly”.
小便 is a suru verb (jisho and weblio confirms it).
For 便り、I added “news” to the meanings.
For 便箋、I added “writing paper” as a meaning as well, since it seems that the word is not exclusive to letters. I checked this on google images.
For 住宅地、isn’t “residential area” a more common name for it (instead of residential district)?
For 所々、I added that it’s a adverbial noun (not just a noun).
氏 can also be “Mrs”, “Miss”. I also added in the subtitles/notes that it’s sonkeigo.
For 名称、I added “title” as a meaning.
Check the spacing of the meanings on 市場 (しじょう)
Check the spacing of the meanings on 市場 (いちば)
For 市場 (いちば), I changed the meaning “marketplace” to “(town) market” so that it adds the concept that it’s a physical place, contrary to市場 (しじょう).
For 市場 (いちば) kanji => meaning/reading, I think it’s important to add something that distinguishes from 市場 (しじょう), or else they won’t know the answer. For the kanji section in your template, I changed it to ”市場 (physical place)”.
Check the spacing of the meanings in 市.
Weblio and Jisho both translate 町中 to “downtown”, so I’d probably add that as a synonym.
For 町外れ、I changed the meaning “outskirts of town” to “outskirts of a town”.
For さっと、I changed “quickly” to “quickly (esp. actions)” and added the meaning “suddenly”.
For 都心, I added “city centre” to the meanings.
For 食物、I changed the meaning from “food” to “foodstuff” because it’s still a valid synonym and we already have enough words meaning “food”. This helps distinguishing them.
For 物覚え、I changed the meaning “learning things” to “ability to learn”.
For 物価、I changed “prices” to “prices (in general)” and added “prices of commodities” as another meaning. This way, it’s easier to grasp its nuance, compared to all the other words meaning “price”.
For 物知り、I removed the meaning “wise person” and changed it to “well-informed person”. The latter seems more appropriate to the real meaning, it’s easier to associate with the kanji and it’s used by both jisho and weblio.
You have the item なま物、but it seems to be more commonly written as 生物? Idk. If true, I’d give a tip somewhere saying that it’s related to food (so that people don’t think it’s asking for せいぶつ)
I added “raw food” as a meaning of なま物。
For 重たい、I changed the meaning from “heavy” to “heavy (physical and psychologically)”.
For 重ねる、I removed all meanings and added the following: “to pile up”, “to stack up” and “to repeat many times over”.
For 重なる、I removed all meaning and added the following: “to be piled up (objects, stress, etc)”, “to come one after another” and “to overlap”.
For 重み、I changed the meaning “weight” to “weight (of objects, opinion)”.
For 気軽、I removed all meanings and added “carefree” and “lighthearted”.
As a way to distinguish 多量and大量 (since they come one after the other), I changed 大量’s meaning, as they are indeed used differently. 多量 is 100% okay. For 大量、I removed all the meanings and added “massive (quantity)” and mass (e.g. mass production, mass destruction)” as meanings.
For 送金、I added the meaning “remittance”.
For ぺこぺこ (the one that means “bow” or “kowtow”), I added the meaning “giving in (in a submissive manner)”.
For 受け止める、I added the meaning “to react”.
For 取り上げる、I removed all the meanings and I added “to take up (proposal, complaint)” and “to take away”.
For 取り消す, I added the meaning “to take back ( one’s words, etc)”.
取り消し is tagged as a suru verb. Why? The verb version is 取り消す so it’s not really a suru verb.
取れる has a bunch of meanings and you have 2 cards with 取れる. Maybe turn that into just one card and add the following meanings “to come off”, “(fever, pain, etc) to disappear” and “to be harvested”. Plus, depending on the meaning, it can be intran or tran verb.
For 遠足、I’d change the meaning from “field trip” to just “trip” and add “excursion” as the main meaning. It’s also a する verb.
For 待ち合わせ、I changed the main meaning to appointment. Also, it isn’t a suru verb. The verb is 待ち合わせる.
Maybe add “looking forward to” to the meanings of 待ち遠しい。
For 待遇、I’d add “working conditions” as a meaning.
For たぶたぶ、I added the meaning “loose (of clothing)”. It’s a better meaning for it then “too big” imo.
For 長持ち、I think it makes more sense translating it as “long-lasting” than “lasting long”. I also changed this one to the main meaning.
For 打ち上げる、I removed the meaning “blast off” and added the meaning “to launch”.
For 打ち合わせ、I feel like “meeting” might be too general of a term (plus, it’s a mendoukusai to distinguish it from other words meaning “meeting”). So, I removed all meanings and added “preparatory meeting” and “advance arrangements”. This is closer to its nuance.
Same with 打ち合わせる、I removed all meanings and added “to arrange (e.g. a meeting)” and “to discuss (in advance)”
For 打ち消す、I left as meanings: “to contradict (an effect)” and “to deny (a rumor)”.
For 値打ち、I added “merit”. This allows to understand that this word isn’t just used for money and all that stuff. A person can have 値打ち。
For おだてる、I added “to sweet talk” as a meaning.
For 投書、I removed all meanings and added “letter (of complaint)”, “letter from a reader” and “contribution (to a newspaper, magazine, etc)”.
For 投票、I added the meaning “poll”.
役 is usually used as a suffix.
For かかと、I changed the meaning from “heel” to “heel (of foot, shoe)”.
For ほっと、I added “(sigh of) relief” as a meaning and also added that it’s a suru verb.
For 人生, it has as the meaning “one’s life (to lead)”. Idk what “to lead” means here, so idk what to do with it… xD
For 生み出す、I removed all meanings and added “to give birth (to ideas, a child)” and “to create”.
For 生け花、I changed the meaning “flower arrangement” to “(Japanese art of) flower arrangement”. This thing is very much Japanese.
For 生理, I added in the notes “This is the term used in day-to-day conversations.”.
For 生物, I changed “living creature” to “organism”. It’s the academic word for living things. I added “(academic term)” as the subtitle of the card.
生き物 is then “living thing”, since it’s the non-scientific term (+ casual, notice how it has hiragana). I added to the subtitles “(non-scientific term)”.
For 生じる、I added that this word can be both transitive and intransitive, depending on how the sentence is built.
For 生ずる、I added the subtitle “(Literary)” and added in the notes that 生ずる is a more literary version of 生じる and it can also be a transitive and intransitive verb.
I changed 生き生きと to 生き生き because that’s the actual adverb. I also removed “vigorously” as a meaning and added “energetically”, since it’s more straightforward imo.
For 生かす、I removed all meanings and added “to revive (someone’s life)” and “to put to good use” as meanings.
For 生やす、I removed the meaning and added “to grow (a beard, hair, nails, etc)”.
For 生涯、I removed the meaning “life” and added “throughout one’s life”.
For 産地、I removed the meaning “production center” because I feel it’s not necessary. There’s “production area” as a meaning already, which is what feels more logical for this word (birth + land).
For 活字、I added “print” as a meaning.
For 活用、I removed all meanings and added “practical use” and “(grammatical) conjugation”.
For 活躍、I removed all meanings and added “activity (esp. energetic)” and “playing an active role”
Added “school expenses” as a meaning of 学費 because why not.
For 学ぶ、I added to the notes that this can be used both for learning things by yourself (self-study) or with the help of others (with a teacher, for example). In other words, it doesn’t have limitations in usage. This is important because it will help distinguish this verb with 習う (this one implying that you’re always learning from someone).
For 校庭、I removed the meaning “school field” because I feel like there are better words for it. I added “schoolyard” and “school grounds” as meanings.
For 教員、I changed the meaning “faculty staff” to “faculty member” and added the meaning “teaching staff”.
For 教わる、I changed the meanings to “to be taught (by)” and “to learn from”.
For 教え, I changed the meaning to “teachings (to follow)”.
For つい、I added the meanings “quite near” and “just (now, yesterday, etc)”. I also added this to the notes: “PoS - adverb | It means “quite near” when followed by a location | It means “just” when followed by a temporal noun.”
For 制御、I changed the meaning “control” to “control (of a machine or device, over an opponent, one’s emotions)”
For 力強い、I added the meaning “reassuring”.
For 強気、I added the meaning “bullish (market)” and changed the meaning to “strong-willed”.
For 心強い、I changed “heartening” to be the main meaning.
For 強制、I changed the meaning “force” to “enforcement” and added the meaning “coercion”.
Ok, I tried to make a distinction between 体制 and 制度 because they both have “system” as the meaning and their nuance might be hard to grasp. So:
体制 means “system”, “structure” and I added this to the notes:
“PoS - noun | A system/structure with a set of rules and policies a particular group of people must obey to work effectively as a team. Tip: it uses the kanji 体 (body). Ex: 政治体制 (political system).”
“PoS - noun | A system or program that is used in a company, society or organization and that has been introduced to help deal with something else. Ex: 産休制度 (maternity leave program).”
Long notes, I know… However, I made sure to see how they would like (avoid making them too messy).
For 強まる、I added the meaning “to intensify”.
For 強める、I added the meanings “to emphasize” and “to increase”.
For 弱気、I added the meaning “bearish (market)”, and substituted the meaning “wimpy” to “fainthearted”.
For 引き分け、I changed the meaning “draw” to “draw (in a game, competition)”.
I would add to the notes of 字引 “PoS - noun | It means dictionary, but it’s rarely used. It’s used in a cool word though: 生き字引 (walking dictionary).”
I also used to the subtitles “(rarely used)” to 字引 so people could know which one they’re asking for in EN => JP.
For 引き受ける、I changed the meaning “take on” to “to take on (a job, task)”, removed the meaning “accept” and added the meaning “to vouch for someone”.
For 取引、I removed the meaning “transaction” and added “negotiation”.
For 引き取る、I changed the meaning “take back” to “to claim” and changed the meaning “take custody” to “to take custody (of a child)”.
For 引きずる、I changed the meaning “drag on” to “to drag along (something or someone)”.
For 押さえる、I changed the meaning “hold down” to “to hold down (door, position, someone, etc)”.
For 見習う、I changed the meaning “learn” to “to learn (by observation)”.
For 学習、I added in the notes “PoS - verbal noun | It’s a fairly big word. It implies a more structured and planned studying.”
Also for 学習, I added in the subtitles “(used more often by teachers than by students)” to help EN => JP.
For 慣れ、I’d put “habituation” as the main meaning. When I saw the meaning “getting used to”, I was expecting the verb, not the noun. So changing to “habituation” might help with avoiding mixing them up.
For 慣らす、I removed those 2 meanings and added just “to accustom to”. The other meanings were confusing.
For 入試、I would add in the notes that it’s an abbreviation of 入学試験
For 試し, I removed all meanings and added “trial” and “test”. More straight to the point.
For 試す、I only left the meaning “to test”. “To try” will cause people to mix it with “試みる”, which is what I’m trying to avoid (so I removed it).
For 試みる、I left the meaning “to try”, removed the meaning “to attempt” and added “to have a go at something”.
For 品質、I changed the meaning “quality” to “(material) quality”.
For 悪質、I added the meanings “poor-quality” and “malicious”. I’d probably remove either “vicious” to avoid repetition of the same thing.
For 物質、I’d change “substance” as being the main meaning and change “matter” to “(physical) matter”.
For 性質、I added the meaning “temperament” and removed the meaning “property”.
Forかえって, I added the meaning “on the contrary” and added on the notes “Used to describe a result/event that was contrary to one’s expectations”.
For 問い合わせる、I changed the meaning “to ask for (information)” to “to ask for information”.
For 問い、I added in the notes “Used in more literary contexts”.
Same for 問う。
For 話題、I changed “topic of a conversation” to “topic (of a conversation)”. A shorter answer is enough here.
For 題名、I changed the meaning “title” to “title (of a book, poem, movie)”.
Idk what to do with 題, but I feel like it needs a change…
Added “site” to 地点
For 少数, I changed the meaning “decimal” to “decimal fraction”.
For 多数、I removed the meaning “a lot of” and added “majority”.
For 複数、I removed all the meanings and added “plural” and “multiple” to the meanings.
For 点数、I changed the meaning “point” to “points”.
For 後回し、I added the meaning “putting off”.
回り道、I added that it’s a suru verb.
For 回路、I changed the meaning “circuit” to “(electric) circuit” and added the meaning “cycle (krebs cycle)”.
For 個々、I added as the main meaning “one by one”.
For 勝手、I added the meaning “one’s own convenience”.
For 決勝、I changed the meaning “final game” to “finals (in sports)”. Final game is more 決勝戦, I guess. I also removed the meaning “championship”.
分担’s meaning right now is “assigning/sharing tasks”, which is a little weird to type out. I changed the meaning to “sharing (of tasks, expenses)”.
For 負担、I removed the meaning “charge” and added the meanings “load” and “responsibility”.
For 担ぐ、I changed the meaning “carry” to “to carry on one’s shoulder”. I also added in the notes “It always implies carrying something physical.”
For 番地、I added “address” as a meaning. I also added to the notes “This is a way to identify a specific plot of land in your address in some locations in Japan.”
For 当日、the meaning was not spaced correctly. I’d change it to “the day (of the event, etc)”. I would also add as a meaning “appointed day”.
For 当分、I’d change the 2nd meaning “for the time being” as the main meaning. In my opinion, it’s the most common interpretation.
For 当局、I changed the meaning “authorities” to “(school, civil, etc) authorities”. I feel like it makes the usage more clear.
For 当てる、I added the meanings “to guess something” and “to hit (something, the jackpot)”. I specified the jackpot because it’s a specific meaning and you had 1 meaning just for it, but you were missing the general term of it (ex: hitting a ball).
For 当たり、I removed the meaning “to come true” and added the meanings “hit” and “guess”.
For ずれる、there are a lot of specific meanings. Your card has two of them. To be honest, all of them involve being out of position, so I added the meaning “to be out of position” and “to be out of sync”, the former being the most different meaning. I removed both meanings you had there.
For 経る、I removed all meanings and added “to go through (someone, a place, an experience)” and “to pass by (two years)”.
For 済む, I changed the meanings to “to be settled”, “to be completed”.
For 済ませる、I changed the meaning from “get done with (something)” to “to get done with something”.
For 済ます, I changed the meaning “finish (something)” to “to finish something”.
For 経費、I changed the meaning from “expense” to “expenses”.
For 休業、I changed the meaning from “suspension of a business operation” to “(temporary) business suspension”.
For 株, I’d add in the notes “This is the general term of “stocks”.
For工業、I changed the meaning from “Industry (production)” to “(manufacturing) industry”. I also added in the notes: “工業 refers specifically to the manufacturing industry.”
For 産業, I added in the notes “While 工業 refers specifically to the manufacturing industry, 産業 is the general term of industry as it also includes things like customer service.”
For 産業、I also added to the subtitles “(general term)” as a tip to distinguish from other words while doing EN => JP.
For 作業、I’d add this in the notes: “This is different than 仕事. 仕事 refers to the place of work itself, while 作業 refers to the tasks. For example, you can leave your 仕事 without finishing your 作業.”
Because of what I wrote above, I’d add “tasks at work” to the meanings in order to differentiate.
For 営業、I’d change the main meaning to “business operations” and I’d add to the notes: “It refers to the whole process of developing a service/product and sell it to potential customers.”
Again for 営業、I’d remove the meaning “sales” because it might cause confusion with 販売.
For 漁業、I changed the meaning to “fishing industry”.
For 金利、I changed the 2nd meaning “interest rate” to be the main meaning.
For 利子、I’d change the meaning to “interest (of a loan, deposit, etc)”.
For 有利、I changed the meaning from “advantage” to “advantageous” because I believe it’s used more often as an adjective. It also makes more sense this way, being the 2nd meaning “profitable” (also an adj).
For 不利、I changed the meaning from “disadvantage” to “disadvantageous”, since it’s also more common to use it as an adjective. Also, this helps distinguishing from 不利益 which will come 3000 cards later hahaha
For 利く、I removed all meanings and added the meaning “to work well”.
For 買収、I changed the meaning “bribing” to “bribery” and changed the meaning “acquisition” to “acquisition (esp. corporate)”.
For 収穫、I added the meaning “fruits (of one’s labor)”.
For 技術、I’d change the meaning “skill” to “technique”.
Ok, the deck teaches both 芸術 and 美術 as art, which is not wrong… but they’re different and the learner will not know why. I’d add to the notes of 芸術 this: “芸術 is the general term for arts, as it can include visual arts such as photography, music and literature.”
For 美術, I’d add this: “美術only refers to the art that can be visually appreciated, such as movies, paintings and sculptures. 美術 is part of 芸術.”
For 芸術, I’d add in the subtitles (general term) and for 美術, I’d add “(visual art)” as the subtitle. This helps EN => JP (since both mean “art”).
For 製作、I removed the meaning “manufacture” and added this to the notes: “PoS - verbal noun | 製作 usually refers to the production of something from scratch and in small scale (think handmade items and movies).
I also added this on the subtitles: “(general term – includes movies/books)”.
For 作製, I removed the meaning “manufacture” and added this to the notes “作製 is general concept for production of things, but it does not include the production a book/movie like 製作. It’s more limited.”
Also for 作製、I added this on the subtitle: “(general term - does not include movies/books)”
For 製品、I added the meaning “manufactured goods”
For 木造, I’d simplify the meaning “being made of wood” to “made of wood”.
For 製造、I’d remove the meaning “production” and add this on the notes: “PoS - verbal noun | 製造 usually refers to mass production of a product in factories, etc, so more focused on the concept of replication.”
For 天然、I’d add this to the subtitle section: “(Antonym of 人工)”
I’d also add this in the notes: “PoS - noun | Exclusively for things originated from nature. For example, 天然資源 (てんねんしげん) – natural resources.”
必然is also a na adjective. I’d change the main meaning to “inevitability” as well.
For 必ずしも、I added as a subtitle “(used with neg. verb)”.
Since you teach 不要 and 不必要 together, for the latter I’d add in the subtitle section “(longer version)”. This helps distinguishing them going EN => JP.
For 要するに, I added the meaning “to sum up”.
For 要因, I changed the meanings to “primary factor” and “main cause”
Because you teach ひたい and がく (both 額) in a row, I’d add “(body part)” to the subtitle of ひたい.
For 会計, I added the meaning “bill”.
For 計, I’d change the notes to “PoS – prefix |計 is used before numbers to describe the idea “the total of x”. For example, 計3回 means “total of 3 times”.
Also for計, I’d change the meaning to “total of” and add “prefix” in the subtitle section OR make it be 計~.
For 計る、I’d remove the meaning “compute” and change “measure (number or time)” to “to measure (weight, distance, time).”
The meanings of 足し算 are not well spaced. I’d change the meaning to “addiction (math term)”.
For 引き算、I changed the meaning to “subtraction (math term)”.
For差し出す, I added the meaning “to reach out”.
For物差し, I’d add to the subtitle “(Measurement instrument)” just in case someone thinks “ruler” stands for “ruler of a land”.
For 割引、I added this to the notes: “PoS - verbal noun | It has the nuance of it actually representing the ratio of the discount in tenths. For example: 3割引 = 30%割引 = 30% off”. This also helps to distinguish between the previous learned 値引き.
For the subtitle of 割引, I added “(In tenths)”.
And the justification above is why the example sentence for 割り引くis wrong. You can’t use 割り引く with 200円 . Even natives get this wrong:
So I’d change the example sentence to 2割り引きます and the translation to 20% instead of 2000 yen.
For 割り算, I’d change the meaning to “division (math term)”.
For ひょっとしたら、I added the meaning “by some possibility”.
Extra things I’m doing (and that I think are important):