At first, I was resiting to use that deck because I know a lot of word in it but after reading this I got the deck. I really like the design.
Added more suggestions Starting from now on, I’m no longer following the Index order, since I’m adding words I find in native materials and that are present on the Core 10k to the lesson’s pile. Ain’t no one reaching 4k index any time soon anyways
I’m quite new to using Kitsun so perhaps this issue has been discussed before, if so I’m sorry. A couple of the cards are marking as incorrect on the Japanese reading when (I think) they shouldn’t be. Specifically かかと/heel and それほど/so much. Is it me being silly or something else?
Thank you in advance
I took a quick look, the value it is looking for is “かかと[かかと]”. Normally square brackets in answers are used with kanji to visually replace the kana after answering it correctly. I think it might be having trouble with parsing it because the value in the brackets isn’t a kanji (also it doesn’t make sense to have this for a kana-only word).
If that’s the issue then it should be an easy fix for @hinekidori as I think it’s the same with the other one (and perhaps all kana-only words in general?)
Updated. Feel free to let me know if you come across any others. Thanks for the feedback!
Part 1 of my suggestions is here.
Since the ability of pushing cards to the lessons’ pile was implemented, I’m no longer exclusively following the Index order
JP's suggestions - Going Random 1 - Added on 2018/12/18
- For 資格, I added “requirement” as a meaning.
- For ほほ笑む, I changed it to 微笑む because that’s more common. I also had to change it in the example sentence.
- For 心中 (しんちゅう), I changed the meanings to “one’s heart” and “inner feelings, inmost thoughts”.
- You need to find a way to distinguish しんじゅう and しんちゅう (心中) from JP => reading/meaning… or else the user won’t know which one it’s asking for. I suggest “about oneself” for the しんちゅう, since the other is about a couple.
- For 歩む, I added this to the notes: PoS - Intransitive verb | 歩む is used to walk in a figurative way. For example, 人生を歩む means "to walk through the path of life".
- For 航路, I changed the meanings to “(air or sea) course” and “sea route, air route”.
- For 恋しい, I added the meanings “longed for, missed”.
- For 充実, I added “fulfillment” as the main meaning and “completion, substantial, plentiful” as the alternatives.
- For 家主, I added to the notes: “PoS - noun | 家主 is the owner of a house available both for living or renting. While やぬし refers to landlord, いえぬし refers to landlady.” => Therefore, I added “landlady” as an extra meaning and added “いえぬし” as another reading.
- For 地主, I added to the notes: “PoS - Noun | 地主 refers to the owner of a piece of land.”.
- For 持ち主, I added as alternative meanings “proprietor, possessor (e.g. of talent, beauty, etc)”
- For 主役, I added “leading actor, leading actress” as alternative meanings.
- For 主要, I added “leading” as the main meaning and “major, principal, main” as alternatives.
- For 自主, I added the meaning “self-reliance” as an alternative.
- For 主 (おも), I added “principal” as an alternative meaning.
- For 義理, I added the meaning “in-law” and added this to the notes: “PoS - noun | 義理 means in-law when used as a no-adjective: 義理の父 (one’s father in-law)”
- For 副作用, I changed “side-effect” to be the main meaning.
- For 任せる, I changed the main meaning to “to entrust (a task) to”.
- For 主義, I added the meaning “doctrine”.
- For 協議, I substituted the meaning “discussion” for “conference”. There are so many “discussion” words in JP… so yeah, better avoid mixing them up.
- For 議会, since it’s definitely a word related to politics, I’d change the meaning “assembly” to “legislative assembly” and add “congress” as an alternative.
- For 議員, I’d add “member of the Diet” as an alternative.
- For 議長, I added “president (of council, senate, etc)” as the main meaning and “chairperson” as the alternative.
- For 言論, I changed the main meaning to “(one’s) speech” and added as an alternative meaning “expression of views”. I removed “discussion”. Too many things mean discussion, so we’ll lose the nuance if we use it all the time as a “general” meaning.
- Find a way to distinguish せろんandよろん (世論), as they’re written the same way.
- For 論, it is usually added as a suffix, so maybe it’s better to start adding ~ to them?
- For 反則, I changed the alternative meaning to “(sport) foul”.
- For 反映, I added “influence” as an alternative meaning and I changed the main meaning to “reflection (light, image, situation, attitude, etc)”.
- For 無恥, it seems to be used mainly as a na adjective, so changing the meanings is necessary (they’re in noun form): changed to shameless (main meaning) and impudent (alternative).
- For 恥, I added “embarrassment” as another meaning.
- For 曖昧, I’d add “vague” as the main meaning instead.
- For 際立つ, I’d put “to be conspicuous” as the alternative meaning instead and add “to be prominent” as the main one.
- For 無関心, I added “apathetic” as an alternative meaning.
- For 誤差, I changed the meanings to “measurement error” (main) and “calculation error” (alternative). I removed the ones that were there before.
- For 手品, I changed the main meaning to “magic (illusion)” and add the alternative meaning “magic trick”.
- For 反論, I added the meaning “refutation” as an alternative.
- For 反する, I removed the alternative meaning and added “to be contrary (to rules or guidelines)”.
- For 対 (つい), I added this to the notes: “PoS - noun/counter for items that come in pairs”. As alternative meanings, I added “couple, set”.
- For 応用, I changed the main meaning to “(practical) application” and added the meaning “putting to practical use” as an alternative.
- For 対応, I changed the main meaning “correspondence (to)” and added the meanings “equivalence, coping with”.
- For 特定, I changed the meaning “identification” to “identifying”.
- For 特色, I added the meaning “(distinctive) feature”.
- For 区別, I changed the meaning “discrimination” to “differentiation”. People might think of “discrimination” as racism and get confused with the actual meaning.
- For 性別, I changed “gender” to be the main meaning instead.
- For 本格的, I added the meanings “genuine, serious, all-out” as alternatives. Also, this is just a na adjective, never a noun.
- For 論理的, I removed the meaning “rational” because it makes learners confused with 合理的. This word is also just a na adjective.
- All 的 words are mentioned as nouns as well, which is incorrect. They’re all just na adjectives.
- For 知的, I changed the meaning to “intellectual”.
- For そもそも, I changed the main meaning to be “to begin with” and as alternatives, I added “in the first place, from the start”.
- For そびえる, I added the alternative meaning “to soar”.
- For 尚更, Jisho suggests that it’s usually written in kana, not kanji. I added as a meaning to it “even more”.
- For しょんぼり, I added “downheartedly” as the main meaning.
- For 爪先, “つま先” gives 22 million results on google, while “爪先” only gives 4 million. I also added as a meaning “toe (of a shoe, sock, etc)”.
- For 感情, I changed “emotion” to be the main meaning instead.
- For 実績, I’d remove the meaning “performance” and substitute it with “achievements, track record”.
JP's suggestions - Going Random 2 - Added on 2018/12/18
- For 指示, I changed the meanings to the plural form: “instructions” and “directions”. It makes more sense for this word.
- For うねり, I changed the main meaning to “swell (of waves)”.
- For こだわる, I changed the meanings to “to fuss over” and “to be particular about” respectively.
- For 響き, I changed the meaning to “sound (that makes something distinctive)” and added this to the notes “PoS - Noun | 響き is used to describe the quality of a sound. For example, the sound of a guitar, how Japanese sounds, etc.”.
- For ああ, I added this to the notes: “PoS - adverb | Used for something or someone distant from both speaker and listener.”
- For 水平, I added “even” as a meaning.
- For 水平線, I changed the meaning to “horizon (related to sea or lakes)” because there’s an equivalent for land.
- For よほど, I added the meaning “to a large extent”.
- For 難易, I added the meaning “relative difficulty”.
- For 賞状, I added the meaning “certificate of honor”.
- For 偏る, I changed the main meaning to “to lean (to one side)” and added the alternative meanings “to be partial” and “to be unbalanced (e.g. diet)”.
- For 痣, Jisho says that it’s more common to write it as kana. I’d also make “bruise” the main meaning. From the example sentences that I’ve seen, it seems to be the most common meaning.
- For 逆境, I added the meaning “adverse circumstances” for the sake of it xD
- For 神経, I’d add “nerve (anatomy)” as the main meaning and then “nerves” as the alternative.
- For 無神経, I added “inconsiderate” as a secondary meaning.
- For 喚く, jisho says it’s usually written in kana.
- For 中断、I changed the secondary meaning to “temporary stoppage (from doing something)”
- For そろう, Jisho doesn’t say that it’s more common in kana. The kanji version gives 18 million results on google, while “そろう” only gives 2 million. I also added the meanings “to be equal, to be uniform”.
- For 任命, I added the meanings “nomination, designation”.
- For ひび, I added the meaning “fissure”.
- For 微か, I believe it’s only a na adjective.
- For 後悔, I added the meaning “repentance” cuz I can.
- For 気配, I changed sign to be the the main meaning.
- For 気配り, I added the meanings “attentiveness, consideration (for others)”.
- きちんと is also a suru verb.
- For 戸惑う, I added the meanings “to be perplexed, to be at a loss (which to choose)”
- For 抱く (いだく), the second meaning needs to be fixed to “to have (a dream, ambition, etc)”. I also added the meaning “to entertain (hope, suspicion, grudge)”.
- Find a way to distinguish いだく vs だくwhen going JP => reading/meaning.
- For 抱く (だく), I changed the alternative meaning to “to hold in the arms (e.g. a baby)”.
- For ばれる, I added “to be found out” as the main meaning and “to be leaked out (a secret), to be exposed (a lie, improper behaviour, etc)” as alternative meanings.
- For まれ, I changed the main meaning from “rareness” to “rare because it’s just a na adjective, not a noun. I also added “scarce” as a meaning.
- For 記念, I changed the meaning “memory” to “honoring the memory of (something/someone)”
- For 放任, I changed the main meaning to “noninterference” and the alternative to “leaving something to take its own course”.
- For 見習い, I added “apprenticeship” as the main meaning and put “apprentice” as the alternative one.
- For 粘着, I removed the meaning “affixing” and added “adhesion” as the main and “cohesion” as the alternative.
- For 開拓, as alternative meanings I added “pioneering, opening up (e.g. new market)”. For the main meaning, I substituted the one you had with “reclamation (of a land)”.
- For 浸る, I removed the main meaning “be addicted to” and added “to be soaked in” instead. As alternatives, I added “to be flooded, to be submerged, to be immersed in (joy, memories, alcohol, etc)”
- For 無謀, I added “rash, imprudent” as alternative meanings.
- For 繊維, in the example sentence, the furigana is in the sentence itself instead (tabemono).
- For 繊細, I changed the main meaning to “delicate (fingers, feelings, sense, etc)” and added as an alternative “dainty”.
- For 平気, I added as alternatives “calm, unconcerned, all right”
- For 地平線, I changed the meaning to “horizon (related to land)”.
- For 平野, I added “open field” as an alternative meaning.
- For 不平, I added the meaning “dissatisfaction”.
- For 依然, I added the meaning “as it was”.
- For 該当, I changed the main meaning to be “applicable to” and added “falling under, meeting (conditions), qualifying for” as alternatives.
- For 漏れる, I changed the main meaning to “to leak out (secrets, emotions, light, liquids, etc)” and as alternatives “to come through, to be disclosed”.
- For 惜しむ、I changed the main meaning to “to be frugal” and as alternatives I added “to be sparing of, to regret, to lament”.
- For 公式, I added the meaning “formula (mathematical)” as an alternative.
- For 派手, I added the meaning “showy”.
- For たまらない, I changed the alternatives to “unbearable, out of this world, can’t help but (be, do)”.
- For 必死, I added the meaning “inevitable death”.
- For 必死に, I added the meaning “for one’s life”.
- For 一人前, I added the meanings “grown-up, person who has come of age”
- For さっさと, I added the meaning “promptly”.
- For 落ちこぼれ, I changed the main meaning to “dropout (school, society, etc)” and added the meaning “fallen scraps”.
- For やたらに, I changed it to “やたら”. It’s also a na adjective. For meanings, I changed the main one to “indiscriminately” and the alternative to “excessively”.
- For 確保, I changed “securing” to be the main meaning and added “ensuring” as the alternative one.
- For 進路, I added the meaning “one’s future course (e.g. after graduating high school)”
JP's suggestions - Going Random 3 - Added on 2018/12/18
- For 意気地, I changed the main meaning to be “self-respect” and the alternatives “self-confidence, pride, backbone”. I also added this to the note section: “PoS - Noun | 意気地 is usually used in the negative form to describe someone that lacks pride.”
- For 聴覚, I added as an alternative meaning “hearing”.
- For 目当て、I added “goal” as an alternative meaning.
- For 純粋, it seems to only be used as a na or no adjective. I also added the meaning “genuine” and “unadulterated” as an alternative.
- For 非常識 , I added the meanings “senselessness, irrationality, absurdity” as alternatives.
- For 融通, as a main meaning I added “lending (money)” and as alternatives I added “loan, adaptability, versatility”. For the notes, I added “PoS - Noun, No adjective, Suru verb | 融通 only means adaptability and versatility when used as a noun/no adjective.”
- For 生意気, I changed the main meaning to “impertinent” and the alternatives to “saucy, cheeky, audacious”.
- For 窮屈, I changed the main meaning to “tight (clothes, budget, rules)”.
- For 鎖国, I added as an alternative meaning “closing the country (to foreigners)”.
- For 迫力, I changed the main meaning to “impressiveness” and as alternatives “impact, force, power, punch”.
- For 耳障り, I substituted the main meaning to “hard (on the ears)” and the alternatives to “rasping, rough, grating”.
- For つながる, I added the meaning “to get through” as an alternative.
- For 無性に, I added the meaning “excessively”.
- For 平面, I added the meanings “plane surface, level surface” as alternatives.
- For 平ら, I added the meaning “plane”.
- For 平たい, I added the meanings “plain (speech, etc), simple” as alternatives.
- For 平均, I added “balance” as an extra meaning.
- For 平凡, I added the meaning “commonplace”.
- For 上等, I added the meaning “top-quality”.
- For 高等, I changed the meaning “advanced” for “high class”.
- For 平等, I added the meaning “impartial”.
- For 体調, I added “physical condition” as the main meaning instead. “health condition” for alternative.
- For ぴんぴん, I added “lively” as the main meaning and “energetic, full of life, vigorously (jumping, flopping, etc)” as the alternatives.
- For いやらしい, I added the meanings “obscene, filthy” as alternatives.
- For 辞退, I changed the main meaning to “declining (an offer, invitation)”.
- For 予て, I removed “lately” from the alternative meanings and added “beforehand, previously, for some time”.
- For 無断, I changed the main meaning to “without permission” and added “without notice” as an alternative.
- For 落ち着く, I removed the meaning “to settle in” and added as alternatives “to compose oneself, to settle down (in a location, job, etc)”.
- For 砂浜, is it correct to say “sand beach”? I think “sandy beach” sounds more correct?
- For ごしごし, I changed the meanings to “scrubbing hard” (main) and “scrubbing clean” (alternative).
- For 清々しい, I changed the main meaning to “refreshing (feeling, scene, wind, morning air)” and the alternative to “fresh”.
- For やや, I added “somewhat” as an alternative meaning.
- For 手遅れ, I added the alternative meaning “losing one’s final chance”.
- For 素直, I added “obedient” as the main meaning and “docile, honest (about one’s feelings), straightforward” as the alternatives. I added this to the notes: “PoS - Na-adjective, Noun | 素直 means honest/straightforward when used as an adverb.”
- For 不意に, I added the meaning “abruptly” as an alternative.
- For 不意, I added the meaning “abrupt”.
- For 改善, I added the meaning “betterment”.
- For 沸騰, I added the meaning “becoming heated (e.g. debate)”.
- For 軒, I added “eaves” as the main meaning and “row” as a secondary meaning.
- For 魔術, I changed “magic” to “black magic”.
- For 等しい, I added the meanings “identical, no different than” as alternatives and added this to the notes: “PoS - I adjective | 等しい means "no different than" when preceded by a に particle.”.
- For 病人, I added “patient” as an alternative meaning.
- For 奉仕, I changed the meaning “service” to “service (volunteering)”.
- For 棒, I added the meaning “pole”.
- For 逸らす, I changed the main meaning to “to turn away (one’s eyes, face, etc)” and the alternatives to “to avert, to divert (one’s attention)”.
- For 賢い, I added the meaning “clever”.
- For 抑止, I added the meanings “restraint, control”.
- For 外科, I added the meaning “department of surgery (hospital)”.
- For 内科, I added the meaning “department of internal medicine (hospital)”.
- For 学科, I added as the main meaning “department (university, etc)”. As alternatives, I added “academic department, course of study”.
- For 耳鼻科, I added the meaning “otorhinolaryngology” cuz why not.
- For 死体, I added the meanings “dead body, cadaver”.
- For 死者, I added “fatality” as a meaning.
- For 病死, I added “death from disease” as a meaning.
- For 死亡, I added “decease” as a meaning.
- For 亡くす, does “to lose (in death)” make sense? I’d write it as “to lose (through death)” instead.
- For 立ち入り禁止, I added as the main meaning “Do not enter” and as alternatives “no trespassing, no entry, off limits”.
- For 日本酒, I added “sake” as a meaning.
- For 酒屋, I added “wine shop” as a meaning.
- For 禁酒, I changed the main meaning to “abstinence from alcohol”.
- For 酔う, I added as alternatives “to feel sick (motion sickness), to be exalted”.
- For 険しい, I changed the main meaning to “steep (path)” and the alternatives to “grim (expression), severe”.
- For 生存, I changed the alternative meaning to “being alive”.
- For 保存, I added the meaning “saving (in a computer)” as an alternative.
- For 注ぐ (そそぐ), I added “to concentrate one’s energy (strength, attention, etc)” as a meaning.
- For まるで, I added the meaning “as if”.
- For 好意, I added the meaning “affection (for someone)”.
JP's suggestions - Going Random 4 - Added on 2018/01/12
- For 合意, I added the meaning “consensus” as an alternative.
- For 格闘, I changed the main meaning to “hand-to-hand fighting”.
- For 身近, I added the meaning “familiar”.
- For 正常, I added “normalcy” as the main meaning and “normality, normal” as alternatives.
- For はねる, as a main meaning I added “to run over (by a car)” and as alternatives “to reject, to refuse, to eliminate”.
- For 意識, I added as alternative meanings “becoming aware (of), awareness”.
- For 見届ける, I added as the main meaning “to make sure of” and as the alternatives “to see with one’s own eyes, to assure oneself of”.
- For 眠気, I added the meaning “drowsiness” as an alternative.
- For 体質, I added “constitution (physical)” as the main meaning and “predisposition (to disease), make-up (genetic), characteristic (of a group, organization, etc)” as the alternatives.
- For 物陰, I added “place hidden from view” as an alternative meaning.
- For 神秘, I added “mysteriousness” as an alternative meaning.
- For 涎, it is usually written in kana. I changed the existent meanings to alternatives and added “drool” as the main meaning.
- For 認識, I removed the meaning “acknowledgment” and added the meanings “perception, understanding”.
- For 貪る, it seems to be more common in its kana version. For the meanings, I added “to crave” as the main one and “to covet, to indulge in, to devour greedily” as alternatives.
- For 跨ぐ, it’s also more common in its kana version. For the main meaning I added “to straddle” and as alternatives “to stretch over, to step over, to step across”.
- 黴 is definitely more frequently seen in kana form.
- For 相当, I added “corresponding to (in meaning, function)” as the main meaning and “being equivalent to, suitable, proportionate” as alternatives. It’s also a na adjective.
- For 交換, I added the meaning “interchange”.
- もうかる is 20x more common in its kanji form儲かる… so yeah, idk why it’s in kana and not in kanji. I changed the meanings to “to be profitable” and alternative to “to yield a profit”.
- For ぱっと, I added “in a flash” to the alternative meanings.
- For 教訓, I changed the main meaning to “moral lesson”.
- For つなぐ、I changed the main meaning “to connect” and the alternatives to “to link together, to tie”.
- For 従う, I added the meaning “to conform”.
- For くむ (汲む), I changed the main meaning to “to draw (water)” and the alternatives to “to scoop up, to consider (feelings, the situation, etc)”.
- For 口答え, I changed the main meaning to “retort” and the alternative to “back talk”.
- For 禿げる, I added the meaning “to become bare (mountain becomes bare of trees)” as an alternative.
- For あたかも, I added “just then, at that moment” as alternative meanings.
- For 供える, I changed the main meaning to “to make an offering (to gods, etc)”.
- For 載る, I added “to be placed on, to be piled on” as alternatives.
- For 養う, I added “to recuperate (from injury, illness), to cultivate (a habit, a quality)” as alternative meanings.
- For 貧富, I added “wealth and poverty” as an alternative meaning.
- For 目眩, I added “vertigo” as an alternative meaning.
- For 退治, I changed the main meaning to “extermination (of pests, demons, bandits)” and added “eradication” as an alternative meaning.
- For 見落とす, I changed the main meaning to “to overlook”.
- For 関わる, I added “to have to do with” as an alternative meaning.
- For 本番, I changed the main meaning to “performance (before an audience or on-air)” and the alternative meaning to “movie take”.
- For 辛い (つらい), I added “cruel, heart-breaking” as alternatives. It could be a smart tip to add “(non food related)” as a subtitle here for the tip vs からい J
- For 粗末, I added “humble” as an alternative meaning.
- For 呼吸, I added “trick, secret (of doing something), harmony” as extra meanings. I also added this to the notes: “PoS - Noun, Suru verb | 呼吸 is only a Suru Verb when used as meaning "breathing".”
- For 格別, I added “special, exceptional” as alternative meanings.
- For 焦る, I changed the main meaning to “to be in a hurry” and the alternative to “to be impatient”.
- For 籠, It’s definitely written in hiragana. I also changed the main meaning to “basket (shopping)”.
- For どっと, I changed the main meaning to “bursting out (laughter)” and the alternatives to “breaking out (applause), all at once, suddenly”.
- For 不純, I changed the main meaning to “impurity” and the alternatives “adulteration, dishonesty”.
- For 公平, I added “impartiality” as the main meaning and changed “fairness” to be the alternative meaning.
- For 不公平, I changed the main meaning to “partiality” and as alternatives I added “unfairness, injustice”.
- For 籠もる, It’s 10x more common in kana. I changed the main meaning to “to shut oneself in (one’s room)” and the alternatives to “to shut oneself in (one’s room)”. I also added to the notes: “PoS - Intransitive verb | こもる when meaning “to be filled”, can be used to talk about both physical and abstract things.”
- For 嫌悪, I added “repugnance” as an extra meaning.
- For 失格, I added the meanings “elimination, (legal) incapacity” as alternatives.
- For 鋭い, I changed the main meaning to “sharp (knife)” and alternatives to “sharp (mind, movements, senses, remarks), acute”.
- For お手伝いさん, the reading is spaced out for some reason “お てつだい さん”
- For 境内, I added “grounds (esp. of shrines and temples)” as the main meaning and “churchyard” as an alternative.
- For 障る, I added “to interfere with, to be harmful to (one’s feelings or health)” as alternative meanings.
- For 心当たり, I changed the main meaning to “happening to know of” and the alternative to “having in mind, idea”.
- For 脇見, I added the meaning “looking from the side” as an alternative.
- For 恵まれる, I changed the main meaning to “to be blessed with” and the alternatives to “to be rich in, to be fortunate enough”.
JP's suggestions - Going Random 5 - Added on 2018/01/12
- For 縫う, I added the meaning “to weave one’s way (e.g. through a crowd)” as an alternative.
- For 裸足, I added the meaning “barefoot” as an alternative meaning.
- For 無意味, I added “nonsense” as an alternative meaning.
- For 不注意, I added “carelessness” as the main meaning and “inattention” as alternative.
- For 認める, I added “to acknowledge” as a main meaning and “to recognize, to permit” as alternatives.
- For ようやく, I added “at long last, barely, with (considerable) difficulty, gradually” as alternatives.
- For それほど, I added “to that degree” as the main meaning and “to that extent, that much” as alternatives.
- For 材木, I removed the meaning “wood” and added the meaning “lumber” instead.
- For 取材, I added “news coverage” as the main meaning and “reporting, collection of data (e.g. for an article)” as alternatives.
- For 雨具, I added “rain gear” as alternative meaning.
- For 湿気, I added “moisture” as an alternative meaning and added this in the note section: “PoS - Noun | Used to describe either something related to the atmosphere or food. It often carries a negative connotation with it.”
- For 潤い, I added “richness” as an alternative meaning. I also added this in the note section: “PoS - Noun | It carries a positive connotation and it means moisture when skin-related. Metaphorically, it can also be used to describe the richness of something (like life itself) or even the economy (when it’s going well).”
- For 合意、I added “mutual agreement” as the main meaning and “consensus” as the alternative. I also added this to the note section: “PoS - Noun, Suru verb, No adjective | When 2 or more people hold the same opinion. For example, 合意離婚 (consensual divorce).”
- For 言い返す, I added this to the notes: “PoS - Transitive verb | 言い返す simply means to reply back to someone, not necessarily in a bad tone. It has a neutral connotation, unless context implies otherwise.”. I also changed the main meaning to “to reply back”.
- For 口答え, I added this to the notes: “PoS - Noun, Suru Verb | 口答え is when one talks back to someone in situations that are far from appropriate. For example, with a teacher or your boss.”
- For 見落とす, I added this to the notes: “PoS - Transitive verb | 見落とす is when the subject is checking something, but fails to notice a mistake, a situation, etc.”.
- For 見逃す, I changed the main meaning to “to miss (seeing something)” and added as an alternative “to fail to notice, to turn a blind eye to, to overlook (e.g. a wrongdoing)”. In the note section, I added “PoS - Transitive verb | Contrary to 見落とす、見逃す can be used when one misses a mistake or situation both on purpose or accidentally.”
- For 懲りる, I added “to learn by experience” as the main meaning and “to learn one’s lesson, to learn (through one’s failures)” as alternative meanings.
- For 取り除く, I added “to clear away” as an alternative meaning.
- For 器用, I added “dexterous” as the main meaning and “skillful, being good with one’s hands” as alternatives.
- For 準急, I added as the main meaning “local express train” and as an alternative “semi-express train”. I added this to the notes: “PoS - noun | A semi-express train is slower than an express train due to having more stops.”
- For 予備, I added “spare” as an alternative meaning.
- For 設立, I added “foundation (of a business)” as the main meaning and “establishment” as an alternative.
- For 社説, I added “leading article” as an alternative meaning.
- For 説く, I added “to preach, to advocate, to persuade” as alternative meanings.
- For 公立, I changed the main meaning to “public (institution)”.
- For 体育, I removed the meaning “physical training”.
- For 大根, I added “white radish, radish, daikon” as alternative meanings.
- For 飛び上がる, I added “to spring, to skip” as alternative meanings.
- For 飛び込む, I added “to burst in, to barge in (a room, etc)” as alternative meanings.
- For 飛ばす, I changed the main meaning to “to fly something”.
- For 飛行場, I removed all meanings, added “aerodrome” as the main meaning and “airfield” as the alternative one.
- For 飛び出す, I changed the main meaning to “to jump out” and the alternatives to “to dash out, to fly out, to appear (suddenly), to stick out”.
- For ますます, I added as alternative meanings “more and more, decreasingly (when declining), less and less”.
- For 航空機, I removed the meaning “airplane”.
- For 船長, I changed the meaning to “ship’s captain”.
- For 船便, I changed the main meaning to “surface mail (ship)”, and added “sea mail” as an alternative.
- I’d just remove the card for 島 (とう – chinese origin) because I don’t see a point in it. You already teach 島 (しま) after all.
- For 成年, I would add “adult age” as a main meaning and “legal age” as an alternative. They’re simpler than the ones you have there.
- For 成人, I substituted the alternative meaning with “grownup”.
- For 合成, I changed “synthesis” to be the main meaning and “composition” to be the alternative one.
- For 成長, I added the alternative meanings “growing up (becoming an adult), growth (of a company, the economy, etc)”.
- For 作成, I changed the alternative meaning to “drawing up (e.g. legal document, contract, will)” and the main one to “making ( of a plan, a list, etc)”.
- For 成立, I added as alternative meanings “coming into existence (a law, deal, group), approval, being valid (a theory, argument, etc)”.
- For 形成, I added “taking form” as the main meaning and “molding, formation, a repair (plastic surgery)” as alternatives.
- For 成り立つ、I added “to consist of” as the main meaning and “to be made up of, to be viable (e.g. a business, lifestyle), to be concluded (e.g. an agreement), to hold true (e.g. a theory)”.
- For たとえ, I added as an alternative meaning “supposing that”.
JP's suggestions - Going Random 6 - Added on 2018/01/12
- For ともかく, I added “anyway” as an alternative meaning.
- For 失う, I changed the main meaning to “to lose (a loved one, one’s place, etc)” and the alternative meaning to “to miss (a change, opportunity)”.
- For ふと、I added this to the notes: “PoS - adverb | The kanji version is 不図, which helps you understand that this follows the opposite vibe of 意図.” I also added the meaning “by chance” as an alternative and changed the main meaning to “accidentally”.
- For 勝敗, I added “outcome (of a battle)” as an alternative meaning.
- For 敗れる, I added “to be beaten” as a main meaning and “to lose (a game), to be defeated” as alternatives.
- For 高原, I added “tableland” as an alternative meaning.
- For 原理, I changed the main meaning to “principle”.
- For 物資, I added “(natural) resources, (raw) materials”.
- For 資産, I added “means (having money)” as an alternative meaning.
- For やがて, I added “almost, nearly” as alternative meanings.
- For 大正, I added in the note section: “PoS - noun | From 1912.7.30 to 1926.12.25.”.
- For 正解, I separated the meanings to “right answer” and “correct answer”.
- For 辛口, I changed the main meaning to “dry taste (sake, wine)” and the alternatives to “liking for sake, salty taste, harsh”.
- For 葬る, I added the meanings “to cover up, to hush up” as alternatives.
- For じっくり, I added “thoroughly, without rushing” as alternatives.
- For 振り返る, I added “to reflect on” as an alternative.
- For 覆う, I changed the main meaning to “to cover” and the alternatives I added “to conceal, to cover up (e.g. information)”.
- For 募る, I added “to raise (funds)” as the main meaning and “to recruit (soldiers), to solicit for, to grow stronger, to grow worse” as alternatives. I also added to the notes: “PoS - Tran & Intransitive verb | The first 3 meanings refer to its transitive form, while the last 2 refer to its Intransitive form.”
- For 塗る, I changed the main meaning to “to paint” and added “to spread (butter, lotion) on, to coat” as alternatives.
- For 正面, I changed the main meaning to “the front” and the alternative to “the facade”.
- For 正に, I changed the main meaning to “exactly”.
- For 常に, I removed “at all times” as a meaning and added “usually, ordinarily” as alternatives.
- For 無意識, I added “unconsciousness” as the main meaning and “the unconscious” as an alternative. You were using the meanings as if it was an adverb (無意識に).
- For しばしば, I added “(Literary language)” as a subtitle to distinguish from all the words meaning often.
- For 非難, I added “reproach” as an alternative meaning.
- For 困難, it is also a na adjective.
- For 調味料, I added “condiment” as an alternative meaning.
- For 調和, I removed the meaning “agreement” because the main meaning is enough.
- For 調べ, I removed the meaning “search” to avoid confusion with all the search words. I also added “tune (music)” as an alternative meaning.
- For 調整, I changed “adjustment” to be the main meaning and “tuning, regulation” to be the alternatives.
- For 整う, I added “to be in order” as an alternative meaning.
- For 整える, I added “to put in order” as the main meaning and “to adjust (something), to tidy up” as alternatives.
- For 節約, I added “economizing” as the main meaning, so that it’s clear what type of “saving” it means.
- For 文語, I added “written language” as an alternative meaning.
- For 調節, I added “(Favorable result)” to the subtitles, added “regulation” as an alternative meaning, and added this to the notes: “PoS - verbal noun | While 調整 focuses on adjusting something to its normal state, 調節 has the intention of bringing a favorable result.”.
- For 調査, I added “inquiry” as an alternative meaning.
- For 検査, I changed “inspection (e.g. customs, factory)” as the main meaning, and “examination (medical)” as an alternative meaning.
- For 提出, I added “turning in” as an alternative meaning.
- For 案の定, I added “just as one thought” as the main meaning and “as expected, sure enough” as alternatives.
- For 目標, I removed the alternative meaning and I added “objective”.
- For 連れ, I added “company” as the main meaning and “companion” as the alternative.
- For 長続き, I added “sticking to (something)” as an alternative meaning.
- For 連続, I added “succession” as an alternative meaning.
- For 真相, I added “the real facts, real situation” as alternative meanings.
- For 相応しい, I added “fitting” as an alternative meaning.
- For 相づち, both Jisho and Wiki use 相槌 instead… So I changed it for that. I also added “agreeable response, interjections indicating that one is paying attention” as alternative meanings and I added to the notes: “PoS - noun | 相槌 represents the frequent interjections used in Japanese to indicate that the listener is paying attention or understands the speaker. Examples are うん、なるほど、そうですね, etc.”
- For 相撲, I changed the main meaning to be an alternative and I added…. Wait for it… Sumo as the main meaning! Yaaay!
- For 会談, I added “talk” as the main meaning (removed “conversation”) and “conference (usu. between important people)” as an alternative.
- For 雑談, I changed the main meaning to “chatting”.
- For 対談, I changed the alternative meaning to “conversation” and added this in the note section: “PoS - verbal noun | 対談 represents a discussion between two people in an interview style.”
- For 記入, I changed the main meaning to “entry (in a form, register, diary, etc)” and the alternative meaning to “filling in”.
- For 記事, I changed the alternative meaning to “news story”.
- For 記号, I removed the meaning “mark” and added the meaning “sign” as an alternative. The meaning mark can make confusion with the word 印
- For 録画, I changed the alternative meaning to “(video) recording”.
- For およそ, I removed the alternative meaning “about” and I added “generally speaking” as an alternative meaning.
JP's suggestions - Going Random 7 - Added on 2018/01/12
- For 山登り, I moved mountain climbing to be the alternative meaning and I added “mountaineering” as the main meaning. This is to distinguish from 登山. I also added this to the notes: “PoS - verbal noun | Contrary to 登山, 山登り includes casual mountaineering like hiking.”
- For 登山, I added this to the notes: “PoS - verbal noun | 登山 implies a more serious mountain climbing (think Everest).”
- For 登場, I changed the main meaning to “appearance (on stage, screen)” and the alternative to “introduction (into a market)”.
- For 登校, I added “attendance (at school)” as an alternative.
- For 税関, I changed “customs office” and added “the customs” as the main meaning.
- For 機関, I added “engine” as an alternative meaning.
- For 関節, I changed the main meaning to “joint (knee, elbow, etc)”.
- For まとまる, I changed the main meaning to “to be brought together” and the alternative to “to be agreed on”.
- For 無関係, I removed the meaning “irrelevant” and left “unrelated” as the sole meaning.
- For 現状, I added “present condition” as the main meaning and “current state” as the alternative.
- For 事態, I changed the alternative meaning to “(present) state of affairs”. I also added this to the notes: “PoS - Noun | Often used with a negative connotation”.
- For 実態, I changed the main meaning to “true state” and the alternative to “actual condition”.
- For 行政, I changed the main meaning to “(Government) administration”.
- For 治まる, I changed the main meaning to “to die down (storm, anger, conflict)” and the alternative to “to subside (of pain, symptoms, etc)”.
- For もともと, I changed the main meaning to “from the start” and the alternative ones to “originally, by nature”. I did these changes because there are already 2 words that mean “originally, by nature”. Trying to avoid the chaos of going EN => JP.
- For 入選, I changed the main meaning to “being selected (for a prize, exhibition)” and the alternative to “being nominated”.
- For 天候, I removed the meaning “climate”. I also added this to the notes: “PoS - Noun | 天候 refers to the overall state of the weather between 2 to about 10 days.” Also added to the subtitle: “(Between 2 to about 10 days)”.
- For 候補, I changed “candidate” to the alternative meanings and added “candidacy” to the main meanings.
- For 補う, I added “to compensate for” as an alternative meaning.
- For 首相, I added “Chancellor (Germany, Austria, etc)” to the alternative meanings.
- For 首脳, I changed the meanings to “head of a state” (main) and “head of an organization” (alternative).
- For 先頭, I changed the alternative meanings to “lead, vanguard”.
- For 朝顔, I changed the meaning to “morning glory (flower)”.
- For 擁護, I changed the main meaning to “protection (of rights)” and as an alternative I added “advocacy (of a law)”.
- For 独裁, I added “despotism” as a meaning.
- For 嫁ぐ, I changed the main meaning to “to marry (of a woman)” and the alternative to “to marry into (a man’s family)”.
- For 貿易, I changed the main meaning to “(foreign) trade”.
- For 侵す, I changed the main meaning to “to invade (e.g. a country)” and the alternatives to “to infringe (e.g. someone’s rights), to violate”.
- For 紛らわしい, I changed the main meaning to “easily mixed up” and the alternatives to “confusingly similar, misleading”.
- For 陳腐, I changed the alternative meaning to “cliché”.
- For 阻む, I changed the main meaning to “to thwart” and the alternative to “to keep someone from doing (something)”.
- For 納まる, I changed the main meaning to “to go in (e.g. a box, category)” and as an alternative “to settle into (one’s position), to be delivered, to be paid (e.g. taxes)”.
- For 顔色, I added “color of the face” as an alternative meaning.
- For 顔つき, I changed the main meaning to “(outward) looks” and the alternative to “facial features”.
- For 改良, I changed the main meaning “refinement” to and moved “improvement” to be an alternative meaning. This was because there are already words meaning “improvement”, so this is to avoid EN => JP chaos.
- For 改造, I added “revamp” as an alternative.
- For 改めて, I changed the main meaning to “another time” and the alternatives to “another occasion, once again”.
- For 改正, I changed the meaning “amendment” to be the main one instead, and moved “revision” to be the alternative. This word is mostly found in anything politics/law related, and I feel like “amendment” works the same way in English. It makes sense to make it the main meaning then.
- For 命, I changed the main meaning to “life-force” and added “PoS - noun | 命 has a more spiritual take on life, implying the life you were given on birth.” To the notes.
- For 命じる, I changed the alternative meanings to “to command, to appoint (someone to a post)”.
- For 領収書, I changed the meaning to “receipt (of a purchase)”.
- For つぐ (注ぐ), I removed the alternative meaning and changed the main meaning to “to pour into (esp. alcohol)”.
- For 並列, I added “arranging in a line” as the main meaning and “standing in a row, parallel” as alternatives.
- For 組み合わせる, I added “to match” as an alternative meaning.
- For 仕組み, I changed the main meaning to be “mechanism”, removed its previous main meaning, and added “workings” as an alternative.
- For 進出, I changed the main meaning to “advancement (into a stage of progress)” and the alternatives to “launching (a new career or venture), expanding (into a new market)”.
- For 進歩, I added “improvement” as an alternative.
- For 進学, I changed the main meaning to “entering school (esp. university)”.
- For 推進, I changed the main meaning to “propulsion” and the alternative to “promotion (of a policy, activity, etc)”.
- For 推薦, I added as alternatives “referral, nomination”.
- For 公務員, I added “government worker” as an alternative.
- For 事務員, I removed its meaning and added “office worker” as the main meaning and “office staff” as alternative.
- There are some words that show up more frequently in its kana form than kanji one and that the Core 10k chooses its less common version (like using the kanji form that is 10x less used - yep, I’ve seen this). However, I think we need to find a balance in here to figure what to change or not. I’m adding warnings on my suggestions to which words are more common in its kana form. However, I don’t think you should change them all. For example, 跨ぐ has 2.5 million results on google, while its kana form またぐ has 4 million. The difference is not that significant. In these situations, I’d advise adding on the subtitle section “(More commonly written in kana)” and let the kanji version stay. This way, we’re not missing out on anything (like just learning the kana form and freaking out whenever the kanji version shows up vs thinking the word is written in kanji only and freaking JP people out with our kanji skills).
I hope that everyone using this deck is okay with me suggesting alterations. I’m doing this so that each and everyone of us gets to benefit from a better learning experience. That’s my sole goal.
I’m actually kinda sad because I’m not using the community deck myself. Idk how @Neicudi intends to build this, but whatever changes I make on my own deck, I’ll probably have to repeat them in a community version (when the deck collab comes).
I really don’t mind though. If I see people immediately getting benefit from my suggestions, that will boost my motivation so much more. Right now, I feel like I’m just throwing 60 to 90mins/day of time (and energy) to the vacuum lol A few days ago, I actually went through moments of desperation because I’m only finishing Core 10k in June (so doing this project until then)
Pluuus all the other crazy stuff I’m into… But I’m recovered now though :3
Another thing will be that I might change too much stuff and users will freak out during reviews. But I base my decisions on at least 2+ dictionaries and example sentences, so I guess the quality boost is worth it?
Nevertheless, I think this collab feature should be based on sending alterations and waiting from approval of the main creator for now. In the future, I can see one person being responsible for the template/layouts and another for the content, etc… But that’s not really what we need right now.
Considering I only got through about 2,000 (on iKnow) in about 2 years, that seems pretty good…
JP is way too hard on himself. being at 4.5k after about what… 4months? That’s pretty darn good.
I literally just had a dream about how to solve this… will come back tomorrow to edit this lol
EDIT: I’m definitely weird for having dreams about Kitsun…
@Neicudi, maybe you could eventually create the ability to share a community deck privately. Then, Hine would 1. Give me the ability to join his gang of people willing to give suggestions (with the approval method) and 2. Share the deck privately with me. In the latter, could you replicate my data to this new “shared deck”? Or simply make my deck the actual “shared deck”? This way I could still do whatever I want with the deck and send suggestions right away (probably saving me 30 to 60mins a day
But I understand that this sounds like a big headache? But who knows, worth sharing nevertheless.
Or I could start using the Core 10k from the Community centre instead, but that would imply 1. Me dropping my current deck #rip and 2. I’d have to be willing to wait for my changes to be approved (if approved at all).
I think there was a layout change for the heights to 100%, but for me the outer element (div.review_wrapper
) doesn’t fill the whole space occasionally, so the layout looks off.
I will test a bit more once I have lessons and reviews available, if I remember correctly the problem was during lessons, the front and backside of those audio cards and sentence cards (maybe others as well). It happened only for a subset of cards.
I was using desktop/Chrome, nothing too unusual.
Edit: nvm, my fault. One of the divs for the quiz doesnt have 100% height. I’m fixing it for tonights update
More stuff added
I came along to kitsun soon after it was set up, tried using it, got confused, and left. I had another look yesterday and saw this 10k deck and gave it a try… wow! It is brilliant! Thank you to whoever created this masterpiece!
I’m really looking forward to getting started. Also, I’ve changed the SRS interval settings a bit so I see each item more often, that is a really nice feature as well.
Anyway… this was just to say thank you.
Welcome back! Quite a lot has changed since you’ve last used Kitsun. Hopefully it’s less confusing nowadays! Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions
Thank you! The biggest shock to me is this 10k deck and how well it is designed. I reckon I’ll be sticking with this from here on in! Thank you again so much!
I’m glad you like it! It’s always gratifying to know people are finding my attempts at deck creation useful. There is a feedback feature included in the site now so feel free to use it should you come across any suggestions in the content and I will look at them.
Our hope is to make this the best deck we can!