The Minor Annoyances Thread

It is planned to implement this functionality eventually. With the current database structure it is easy to find all cards with SRSLevel 0 OR 1,2,3 etc… But to get 0 AND any other SRSLevel cards at the same time requires me to look through all that users cards and then lookup all the progress documents related to those cards and then returning it… This is very slow and has a large impact on the server. But has to be done that way due to potential sorting (actually it’s the reason I havent been able to implement other kind of sorting options either…)

So unless I find a solution to this problem, I wont be able to implement it except as a OR situation…

Hopefully I’ll find a proper solution sometime soon but I’m afraid it’s either going to be very slow or require a complete rewrite…

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I think that might cover most people’s needs when they ask for SRS = 0, tbh.


True, but it’s a bit awkward to put it as a separate filtering option :stuck_out_tongue:

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Add it to the existing feature and make it “0 only” or something? :thinking:

This may be a pebkac error, but I don’t seem to get any notification when adding a duplicate card from the dictionary? And then both (identical) cards will show up in the next lesson review, at which point I can delete them, but it breaks up the flow.


Somehow I also tend to repeat words once in a while, because I’m never sure if I added a word already or not :sweat_smile:

Kitsun doesn’t check whether a certain card already exists, mainly because it’s pretty difficult to do so, but also because sometimes you might have the same word popup in different context which gives it a different meaning or something similar, so the two cards might be similar, but are different in the end.

That said, if you are creating the duplicate cards and they both show up in the same lesson session, doesn’t that mean that (in most cases) you kinda made those two same cards in a very small time span?

Oh, yeah, I totally did make them one after the other (made a card, switched to emails, tabbed back 30 seconds later to see the dictionary search results, thought, oh yeah, I should make a card…)

Take your point about words being added in different contexts - for me I use different decks for that purpose mostly. Is there anyway just to do a quick check in the existing deck against the word you’re adding in that same field? Like, if I add 中でも, just search the ‘Japanese’ field for 中でも, and give me a confirmation box being like “you already have a card for this word, are you being dumb?”

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I see, I won’t deny that I also have been in the same situation multiple times so at least you’re not alone in this :smiley:

The problem with it is that templates/layouts are dynamic and not all the same, so it would only work for the default template I guess…

For now it might be temporary solution to do a quick search through your cards in that specific deck, but I get that that’s quite cumbersome :sweat_smile:

I guess this is not an annoyance, but I feel like we should be able to rate decks without having to write a review for it. Most people won’t bother typing and exposing their opinion on something, but I guess a lot would love to give their opinion anonymously in just 1 click by rating decks.

Also, I’m saying this because people care a lot about ratings when choosing (so it’s an important feature), but the ratings on Kitsun aren’t really working =/

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You don’t actually have to write anything iirc, just rate it and submit it.

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Ohhh, I seee! XD

I guess it would be cooler to be able to just click the stars :o It definitely feels more intuitive to me.


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The official EN => JP layout is still not displaying the kanji field on the back of the card. Can you push an update to fix this in all users, or should I change the layout myself? :o

it’s something minor but the SRS lvl is not properly displayed for some words.
Here 促す is at lvl 0.

But when clicking on the card the correct level is displayed.


I’ll take a look today, that’s definitely not supposed to happen.

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@Gatchamann do you perhaps know whether you did anything in particular with the cards that aren’t displayed correctly? Any actions that might differ from the others?

Nothing particular stands out. I’ve used neither synonyms nor notes for these cards. They also have never been hibernated or anything similar. They are not cards that I failed or ignored either. I have learned 167 cards and there are 16 cards that show this issue.

The only thing I can think of is that I hibernate a lot of cards during lessons. When you set a fixed number of lessons per day and hibernate some of them (let’s say I hibernate 2 cards on a 5 lessons session) the system counts the hibernated cards as part of the session and quizzes you the 3 remaining cards instead of adding new cards to reach 5 cards for a single .
It’s only after having completed the quiz for the 3 cards that you can come back to the deck page and do the remaining 2 lessons to complete your day.

Nothing indicates that this process is the source of the issue but this is the only “non standard” thing I can think of.

As a test I tried hibernating one of the 16 cards.

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I’ll try to dig around and see what might be causing the issue. I don’t think hibernating during lessons is causing it either. Thanks for the help!

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Hi - not sure, but is the default E-J layout supposed to display only the reading and not the kanji? If so, could I request that it display both?

Also, what’s the likelihood of being able to automatically scrape audio data when adding from the dictionary in a later update?

Finally, it’d really speed things up for me if there were keyboard shortcuts for hibernating cards, quick editing, and so on and so forth. (If these already exist I haven’t found them - a general list of all shortcuts would itself be much appreciated)


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Oh! I’ll add it

Jisho audio comes from WaniKani (afaik) and isn’t available through their API. Scraping is not really an option due to legal reasons.

However, I’d like to get a forvo business license in the future in order to get audio for any language. The main problem right now being money (I still pay for everything by myself). I figure that after launch this can become a reality :smiley:

There’s a list of hotkeys on the guide page, but it’s mostly the same as the ones you can adjust at the settings page (aside from the ctrl+s hotkey for quickly saving cards/layouts/templates). Having a hotkey for Quick Edit etc sounds like a good idea! I’ll add it to the features request list

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