The number of reviews due could update itself automatically, waiting or even clicking on “my decks” doesn’t give you the latest number, a reload is necessary.
Not really annoying, but are those buttons really necessary? You can get their effect already in a simple way.
A good enough solution for this could be that clicking on “My decks” when you’re already in that page would still work. Currently it doesn’t. Not sure how difficult it would be for the number to refresh by themselves Not really necessary if what I mentioned gets solved.
I agree with the “To Lessons” and “To Reviews” being unnecessary. I never used them. I was the one asking for the “Back to Decks” one, but mainly due to the fact that it’s easier to click there when using a smartphone (than having the side tab open/clicking on the symbol). But I think the side bar has improved since then (and I now use it always closed on mobile), so it might not even be necessary anymore?
Another question would be what would we have added to there instead. Probably stats? Leech section?
Maybe it’s hard, on WK and KW you have to refresh yourself as well. On the other hand you could just pre-compute a bunch of times and counts and show them without talking to the server, you only need to know if reviews were done then. If clicking on my decks doesn’t pull the whole page again it’s also fine
It’s not doing that on purpose. If enough users leave open their tab, that’d mean quite some calls/server load while 90% of the time it isnt even used. I personally am one of those people who leaves a tab open forever on pcs which are always on… Having a better way to refresh could be good though.
First three: yes. The last two are there because not everyone is coming from WK, and I personally don’t think it’s clear that you have to click the top counters to go to lessons/reviews for those people.
I always like seeing logs on other websites Like some secret messages left behind by the devs That said, I do clear up logs every once in a while. Guess its time for another round.
By the way, are you expecting error messages in the logs? I occasionally get a Uncaught (in promise) DOMException during 10k reviews (maybe others as well) without further information, the source location is supposed to be reviews:1 but you can’t view anything. It happens on showing the backside of a card.
mhm, it’s from the service worker that runs on the background. It’s having an error because you chose to block notifications and it doesn’t handle the situation properly.
The error itself is harmless, but for the sake of cleaniness I should at least catch it
Could you check the permissions in the browser?
On chrome it should look like this:
But with the setting as “Allow”.
Normally the notifications only appear if you aren’t already focused on Kitsun in your brower.
That said, it does give an error in your console along with the log ‘Don’t need to show a notification’. That log meant that the kitsun tab was focused iirc.
It is already set to allow notifications, I suspect that the browser on my mobile phone is “stealing” them.
However, I tried both leaving the tab in background and active for a while, the errors don’t appear then. I only see them during reviews, and they are quite frequent (like 5–10 of the first type, maybe one in a few minutes, and occasionally type 2).
Huh, you get multiple of these during reviews? That’s not supposed to happen at all. Do you always get it or only when you are supposed to get a notification?
I always get the Uncaught (in promise) DOMException, 7 times for 250 questions in 10k just now. The sw.js error occurs only occasionally, maybe it is related to the time. The notifications are allowed, though, so that shouldn’t happen anyway?
Edit: looks like it’s more frequent for lessons, also 7 in 20 lessons.
I took a look just now and I did find where the error is coming from. I fixed it (and this should also fix the double notification I hope @jprspereira )
The audio prompts: if I want to replay the audio, I have to use the mouse and click the button, which makes the input box lose focus, so I have to use the mouse again and click the box before I can type. I’d really like a way to have a keyboard shortcut to replay the audio without taking my hands from the keyboard. Yes, I know there is a hotkey for that, but it doesn’t work when the text box has focus. And I can’t seem to find a ctrl or meta keycode that doesn’t already map to something or even get the settings box to accept them.
Almost too minor to mention, but the forum header doesn’t have a link back to the site.