@jprspereira Thanks! They sell for like 80 cents a piece in Japan! So I got a few when I lived there
Hey @Neicudi thanks for replying! I read it on “https://floflo.moe/final-thoughts-on-floflo/”, which is a pretty cool and inspirational story. I am curious on what you are doing now besides kitsun.io. I am currently switching careers into software development (15 years in aerospace engineering). I actually made a Japanese learning website 2 years ago, via wordpress, and was trying to figure things out about how to build it out. Was also trying to make a Japanese learning video game. I ended up giving up because everything felt impossible, but started up again this year and found a way to learn that fit my style. I have finished a few projects(react, node) and I am working getting a few more done, mostly bigger ones that could be profitable, but also for my resume. I am kind of looking for a job, but I really want to get more of my own projects done first. But I wanted to say, that if you haven’t checked out the job market, it’s easy to get a software job after you built a website like kitsun.io.
Back to the wordlist, I am actually specifically trying to make wordlists for reading Japanese manga. After studying Japanese for 10 years, I either forget the meaning, the kanji, or the reading. So if possible, I like to have a wordlist, so I can refer to it when reading, so I don’t have to stop and look something up because that makes it not fun.
And how is your Japanese study going? In your blog you talked about spending all your time on the website and it was taking away from studying.