What exactly happens if I press back to go back to the review from an other page?

sorry for the confusing title

I went to go google the japanese meaning of a word and forgot to make a new tab. I went back and it presented itself as if it didn’t remember the progress I made in my reviews, but after answering a few I refreshed and the cards I had done before were back to being answered. What exactly happens? If my answer changes from the first run through to the second run through, and I was wrong the first time, does it stay marked as wrong or does it end up being marked right?

I think it depends if you have sibling cards that weren’t in the review session when it closed, so if it is pending the card is still in review and have to clear all components of the card again if you close too soon…at least that is what I recall. Otherwise, Kitsun doesn’t time out and saves what you clear as you go from what I’ve seen.