Since a lot of people here are from the Wanikani forums, it’s pretty obvious that a lot of us are studying Japanese. However, I was wondering what everyone was planning on using Kitsun for. I kind of want to start studying French after I get proficient enough in Japanese, or I’ve thought about using it to study the geography of Japan, more specifically the prefectures. So I guess my question is what will you use Kitsun for?
I’ve been thinking of putting something together for my guitar practice. Still mulling over how I would go about it.
Maybe you could make flashcards with pictures of the finger placements and guess the chord names or vice versa?
I know people who have used Anki for medical school and I don’t see why Kitsun wouldn’t be superior just like language learning. In fact, any specialty requiring certification could have potential application. I think a narrow range of potentially high quality decks that make use of all deck tools (versus the sea of unknown quality in Anki) could be the real difference that entices subscribers. It sort of circles back to the question of paid-decks mentioned in the other thread. College students are essentially debt-slaves (at least in the US) so any financial incentive to 1) design high quality study materials that they would use themselves 2) bring in friends/peers as subscribers, could prove popular.
I mean, it would make sense. If big universities started using things like Anki or Kitsun I could see it being a huge help to not only language learning classes, but to a wide variety of other classes too. It could be interesting to see what math professors could do. Maybe they could create practice decks with a problem on the front and the answers on the back so students have a better way to study. I don’t know. Just throwing ideas out there. But I like the idea of high learning centers using the srs platforms to help teach more efficiently.
Hi there,
I’ve read about kitsun in the (surprise) wanikani forums. I’ll give it a try and will learn the vocabs from the Genki book here.
I hope I can also use kitsun to learn Italian and Indonesian vocabulary. But it seems I have to make my own decks for this purpose. I used Anki before, but I don’t like it for several reasons. I cannot type the answer there, they only have I know / I don’t know.
Hey @Zoidi, glad to have you here! I think Kitsun’s a pretty nice tool for studying languages, and I hope you find it to be the same. I think something that will be worked on is adding sets for many more languages, but until then I would highly encourage you to share any set you make in Italian or Indonesian. Not only will it help out anyone else who wants to study them, but it means other people using your deck will be able to help you improve the deck!
There is a deck for Italian available with a 1750 vocab count, but given that it’s based on the Italian Duolingo I’m sure you’d be looking for more unique sets. Just in case though, here’s the link:
Thanks for the warm welcome.
I just started with Italian, so the duolingo set may help me to build up vocabulary. I tried to learn with duolingo itself first, but this is a weird app. I learned to say “Your ant is my cake” and many similar sentences
I’m gonna create Indonesian sets first. And I’m happy to share them if that helps anyone. My gf is a native speaker, so I can ask her to check them before I publish them.
But for now I’m not sure how to structure the vocabulary. One big set for all words? I don’t really like it. Many small sets by topic? I think I prefer this way. But that would mean that I’ll spam the deck area with many small (100 words) Indonesian decks.
Does the kitsun community have any guidelines for that already?
Glad to hear about the duolingo set! That’s definitely a common criticism of Duolingo, that it doesn’t focus on vital stuff as soon as many people would like. It’s just my opinion, but I kinda see Duolingo more as an app for some chill language review rather than language learning.
And I’m glad to hear about the Indonesian sets. It’s totally fine to publish a bunch of small sets IMO, so long as the content in each set is unique. Feel free to do whatever style works for you, and then share that when you’re ready.
I like that question!
I got the lifetime subscription in a rush but I knew it was worth it since I’ve never been a fan of Anki (using it just to freely browse anime/movie sentences + audio). and finally found a nice cozy home here.
I’m currently learning Japanese (a bit above N5) through various supports (Lingodeer/DeerPlus, Japanese for everyone (textbook), Renshuu, Kanshudo, JA sensei/JA Audiobook, Kanji Study/Yomikata Z, Nihongo con Teppei and now Kitsun ).
The Jisho integration is a godsend as it makes life much easier for adding new vocabulary to decks. (I hope more language dictionaries will be available in the future)
The Reader (beta) feature is also very useful as it’s so easy to build decks from texts. I’ve starting reading news and short stories in Japanese so I’m using this feature a lot.
I have yet to test the Subs2kitsun feature but it looks promising too!
I’m also interested in learning a bit of Korean and Chinese as I’m frequently exposed to content from these countries through movies, animation, comics, songs (…) and end up catching vocabulary and a few sentences patterns… I’ve started learning pinyin and hangul and I plan to make some custom decks (or borrow existing decks) for those languages when I’m a little bit more advanced.
And lastly, I need to improve my English (mother tongue is French) so I’m thinking of using Kitsun for vocabulary and grammar points I don’t know. I’m nowhere to English fluency but I’m beyond that desperate state that everyone experience at some point with their language learning journey (I’m currently experiencing this with Japanese learning ).
Kitsun is so versatile that I can picture myself using it beyond language learning:
- art (anatomy, color theory, composition,…) & History of art
- History facts/civilizations
- Birthday dates (I’m just bad at remembering people’s birthday, not a joke)
- General culture
- …
Aaaaaa! I’m so glad you found Kitsun! I love how much I can tell just from this post that you really love learning!
Always great to find someone who feels the same way
This is exactly why I love Kitsun too! I’m gonna use it for various subjects like with cooking, general knowledge, chemistry, and so much more.
I already made a couple of cooking decks full of advanced terms and for memorizing different cuts of meat, hahaha
Oh my goodness, I also want to use it when I study art, especially colour theory and composition!! When you get started on that, can let me know how you do it? I would really really love that
Yeah, I definitely agree that there are a lot of ways people can use kitsun beyond the usual Japanese. Atm I’m just using it for Japanese, but once I get further with Japanese (and my reviews die down), I’m thinking of using it to help me with schoolwork and expanding my native vocabulary. Just basically for anything that needs memorization!
Also, the birthday thing is a good idea. I am also terrible at remembering birthdays, and dates in general.
@Tomato Haha now that you mention it, I realized that I do enjoy learning in general (high school didn’t make me quit). Using Kitsun for cooking is a very good idea! Your meat knowledge must be awesome now
Actually, I already started studying color theory/composition in Anki but the UI isn’t my cup of tea so I never review my decks in the end . But with Kitsun I’d gladly throw video tutorials screenshots + quick notes in a deck and review them once in a while (I don’t know if there’s a resource that could automate this or make life easier
I haven’t worked on a worfklow for art-related decks, but now I’m gonna watch all those tutorial videos, build decks and see what works best.
But same if you start building your art-related decks, I’d love to get a glimpse at your secret recipe.
@Sethera I’m sure Kitsun would help you with schoolwork (this is the tool I wished I had back in high school when language learning was a nightmare )
Let’s nail those birthday dates!
Well, I’m past high school myself but agreed this would’ve been really helpful back then. Too bad, I guess, but at least we have it now!
And yeah, let’s! From now on, I won’t forget birthdays! …Now I just need to remember them so I can add them to kitsun… lol
Same here!! It was so unfriendly, I couldn’t last at all
For the meat deck I made a year ago, there wasn’t any yet but I’m not sure about now. But I’m pretty sure you can get some help on that by just asking @Neicudi
Absolutely, I won’t forget to mention you and help each other out, promise
I’ve committed myself to focusing on Japanese for now (I was flirting with Chinese for a moment, but I don’t need to barely understand another language). I think I’m going to use it to create decks for reading materials, starting with the previous book club picks on the WK forums since they’re sorted by difficulty and already have vocab lists made for each chapter.
Eventually, I might try to create a most common words deck for Esperanto (another one of those barely spoken languages) but I’m really trying to not get distracted.
Welcome to the forums, @meaniezucchini!
In case you don’t want to deal with creating the decks yourself, know that there are decks from 4 Beginner Book Clubs posted on the community center (where you can find decks published by other people on Kitsun):
少女終末旅行 Vocab list (Vol 1)
Natsume Yuujinchou (Volume 1)
Non Non Biyori
Aria: Volume 1
Aria: Volumes 2+
I’m also thinking of adding more decks from the WK Book Clubs to the community center, so that it becomes available for everyone
Please let us know if you have any questions related to Kitsun! Just like WK, the community growing here is very friendly and willing to help
Thanks! Those will save me a ton of time. I’m starting with しろくまカフェ since I haven’t studied in over 5 years and need something to ease me back into reading but all of those are series I’m looking forward to.
Kitsun is really versatile. Personally, I use it to feel guilty about not studying.