Video deck

Is it possible to import on kitsun from anki or create your own video deck?

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Yep, depending on what you want we go the following two options:

If you have premade anki decks you can import them from the import page (Sidebar - Tools -> Import), it will automatically upload your media for the deck as well.

If you want to create your own video cards you can do so with Subs2Kitsun. Here is a blog article about how to get started:

Kitsun Blog - Subs2Kitsun

Note that this works on the premise that you consume the material and make cards at the same moment.

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I already tried to do this, but only the audio files and images works. Is it possible to somehow make cards with mp4 files?

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Sorry, I thought you meant cards from videos, rather than cards containing video files.

While technically possible, you’d need to create a layout with a

<video width="320" height="240" controls>
  <source src="{{fieldwithvideofilelinks}}" type="video/mp4">

kinda element in it and it should work. I’m not sure whether the anki import accepted videofiles though, but if they are there (with a link) then it should work.

I’m afraid Sub2Kitsun itself does not support generation of cards with actual video inside it due to file sizes and other reasons (like copyright).

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