Trouble creating custom deck

Hello, so I’d like to create a custom deck to study for JLPT N2. I’m looking for something that covers N5 to N2 vocab minus wanikani levels 1-26. The current Kitsun N2 deck is lacking example sentences for most of them it appears as well as audio. I also don’t know how to incorporate the N2 deck with N5, N4, and N3 so I can just have them all in one place.
I also tried modifying the 10k deck but I don’t know how to filter it to just JLPT N5-N2? Using it at first was very confusing too as it seems there are 6 cards per vocab? Also the vocab’s sentence with audio is in a separate card from the vocab itself so I can’t check after I review a vocab the audio for the sentence.

I was looking for something like Torii where when you learn a card it plays the vocab audio first followed by its sentence audio. It has numerous example sentences right there in the card as well in case you need more to look at. Unfortunately, it only has Kanji/Reading -> English and English -> Reading, no Kanji -> Reading card like in wanikani. This is supplemented in part by allowing you to press tab to reveal the reading when the kanji comes up but I much prefer manual input.
It also suffers from being unable to filter out wanikani vocab by level but I think I’ll make do by excluding it then including it later and just archiving (or as you call it hibernating) vocab as I go along.

I was hoping Kitsun would provide something better but atm I’m struggling to get anything better together. Could someone knowledgeable please show me the way (if it exists) on how to get the deck I desire in Kitsun?

Someone who knows better should show up shortly, but I think filtering by WK level (or entering your API key to filter out exactly the words you learned) is currently work in progress. In a similar fashion it’s possible to add the JLPT levels as well, no idea if that is coming, though.

For every item there is a vocab card and a sentence card. A card is like a collection of all facts about an item. Then, for each card there can be several layouts, helping you to review different aspects of the facts (Kanji->En, Audio->Kana, …). If you hibernate a card then all the review types are hibernated.

In 10k, for the vocab cards there are 4 layouts, or types of questions. For the sentences there are two types (Audio->Know/Don’t know, written sentence -> Know/Don’t know).

At the moment the audio of the vocab and sentences are stored on different cards, not sure if you can put several audio tracks on a single card.

Thanks for the reply. I got something similar from a guy over on wanikani forums as I posted there too. At the moment it looks like there’s nothing I can do except to have to manually add each one by pushing it to the front of the lessons queue…

To filter by WaniKani level you will need to use two tags. “WK” for WaniKani and then “L1” for example. That will give you all cards available in the 10k that parallel WaniKani for that level. You can mass hibernate them from there if needed.

Actually, both audio clips exist within the cards. I would just have to create a fresh layout that could use both. I’m not sure if playing one after the other is something that is possible now. @Neicudi may be able to shed some light on that.

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There should be audio for all the cards in all N decks :open_mouth: Example sentences were added where possible but I might be able to add more later on :slight_smile:

You can group them under a folder, but it probably doesn’t do what you are looking for. If you plan to do N5-N2 I’d just suggest doing them one by one. The home dashboard already shows you the decks with available reviews and such in order to quickly study from multiple decks.

Personally speaking I prefer to do multiple decks rather than one big deck due to having easier goals to clear (finish smaller decks rather than one huge deck).

If the current community decks don’t suit your needs, you could consider importing wordlists for the JLPT vocabulary/kanji instead, and create your perfect deck from that? Or perhaps find a nice anki deck and import it into Kitsun (and convert it to use the default layouts and such).

Autoplaying multiple audio files is not implemented at the moment.

Hope this answers some of your questions ^^

Thanks! but I already figured that out. I think you misunderstood as I was referring to Torii in my original post when I was talking about not being able to filter wk levels, not kitsun. What I wanted was to be able to filter by JLPT level, which I don’t know how to do or if it’s even possible. I also don’t know why the quote is attributed to acm lol.

That would be great if that can happen! I usually learn a new word better by immediately seeing how it’s used in a sentence, and audio would help with that. I’m not such a fan of the sentence card being separate atm, as it requires no manual input anyway and if I can just hear the sentence audio along with the vocab card then it makes it obsolete. Unless I’m using it wrong, how should one use the sentence cards? I also don’t like the fact that when adding words to the front of the queue I have to add both the word then the sentence card when it’s a given that I’d want both anyway!

Sorry, I should have explicitly said sentence audio.

Yeah I was looking for something that allowed me to learn a variety of vocab from N5-N2 at the same time so it could all be together rather than going the N5 deck then N4 then N3 then N2. If the 10k had JLPT tags this wouldn’t be a problem.

Fair enough but the customisation for grouping should be there. It’s well known that randomising is a great way to enforce knowledge so that something pulled from obscurity is still well known, otherwise you can remember things for the wrong reason.
I’ve been personally experiencing this as I’ve been using Torii, wanikani, and houhou. When I do houhou reviews for example, I sometimes remember a word solely because it’s in isolation in houhou ("Ah yes, I remember learning this a few days ago in houhou when…) but I’m not sure if I’d be able to recognise it out in the wild which is the whole point. It’s like I have my own memory set for each app rather than them all being jumbled together.

I actually tried that before (manual and auto) using a custom google sheet and converting it to csv but I didn’t get very far. The whole layout, template difference and usage confused me. Please correct me if I’m wrong but I think I now know that a layout is just a different form of a card (Audio -> Meaning, Kanji - > Meaning) and a template is just what all the layouts use? Although I’m still not sure on that. Also they didn’t have sentences with audio anyway so I moved on.

Would be great if you can add this!

Sorry for the late reply. I’m currently sick and forgot to reply :sweat_smile:

The author (@hinekidori) and I have talked about this and we will add the JLPT tags in the near future :slight_smile:

I’ll note it down as a requested feature, but from a technical standpoint it would be difficult to implement.

Each card in Kitsun has the following:

  • 1 template - these are the set of fields that can be filled in
  • 1 or more layouts. This is how the card looks during reviews. Each layout results in a “sibling card” during reviews. E.g. Japanese -> Reading would be a sibling card that tests you on that particular aspect.

I can understand why it seems difficult at the start, my plans are to eventually just use the default sets for everything unless the user specifically chooses something else.

Thanks for the info! As a new kitsun user I did feel like it was a lot to take in at the start and I didn’t know how to do what I wanted it to do.

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