The Study Streak Challenge! šŸ’®

OOPS life got really side tracked and i forgot to keep up here! Updated the stufff! I kept up with kitsun though :smiley: i meanā€¦ my day literally starts each day with kitsun. i feel like its there. always watching. :smiley:


Just as a question for you guys on this challenge. How much time do you tend to put into kitsun with daily studying? Iā€™m working on analyzing my balance between immersion and studying and curious how much yā€™all do in kitsun app as well!

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To be honest for me it varies depending on the day and the amount of reviews. My goal is generally 15 minutes of Wanikani, 15 minutes of Kitsun, and 15 minutes of Bunpro each day. Usually my Kitsun turns into around half an hour to an hour because I have to meet a lesson and review quota to keep up with school. During the summer, I usually spend much longer studying, maybe an hour or two a day on Kitsun plus time on Wanikani and (newly) Bunpro. I try to also mix that with immersion, like watching Japanese speedrunners on Twitch, talking to people, listening to Japanese radio, so on.

I want to study more during school, but I find it hard to with all the other things I have to balance. Putting too much on my plate, but I mean itā€™s what makes me happy :joy: As long as I do that minimum time though, itā€™s good enough!

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Nowadays I spend around 1h a day on Kitsun. 20 mins for the lessons and 40mins for the reviews. Before Iā€™d definitely spend more time on it but after 20k cards learned my time is better used elsewhere :stuck_out_tongue:

The time you spend really depends on how much total time you have available and how much benefit youā€™ll get from learning vocabulary. Which tools for studying are you using right now? How long have you been studying? @tomoyotk :slight_smile:


Iā€™ve been using wanikani and kitsun. I use them on average for about an hour a day then spend as much time as possible reading (news, books, manga), and tv(news, anime, dramas). Then twice a week i have a tutor to practice speaking/listening which is about likeā€¦3-4 hours a week of homework (mostly deep diving wikipedia because we talk about festivals, prefectures, history and what not so i get a more balanced view of japan). Iā€™m trying to gauge how much time I want to spend in flash cards with the thought of which words deserve a card made vs are too rare to really add in (so i use frequency measurements yaā€¦but theyā€™re not that accurate for diving through wikipedia and history books since the vocabulary there is a little different.)


That sounds intense! I miss having online lessons tbh. It really boosted my speaking skills in such a short time, skills I still havenā€™t refined so far. Maybe soon Iā€™ll go for it again :slight_smile:

Have you been able to keep up with that rhythm?

About gauging the time spent on flashcards, Iā€™d sayā€¦ if the word you found from exposure is on the Core 10k, learn it. Some people dislike the Core 10k because itā€™s based on the most common words in newspapers, but I see so much vocab in manga that is even on the last 2k of the deck that itā€™s a bit insane xD


End of January is here! God, 1/12 of the year is already gone :scream:

I did Kitsun every day except one. On that day, my brain was so focused on something else, that I didnā€™t even realize I had skipped Kitsun entirely :grimacing:


How have you been doing guys? :grinning: Btw, congratz @TheSuicidalMuffin, you got 2 level ups since the beginning of January. How crazy are you going? :stuck_out_tongue:


Iā€™m doing 32 Kitsun lessons a day, 5 on Bunpro, and Wanikani as fast as possible. It helps that Iā€™m on a gap year and have blocked my devices out from all kinds of social media, non-Japanese news, etcā€¦ My partner is doing the same thing with Italian at the moment and we can keep each other in check (we literally have each otherā€™s screen time passwords).
So far, Iā€™m getting by doing three 45-60 minute sessions of SRS a day (at 8h, 12h, 20h). The rest I spend on immersion (usually I get 6-10 hours) and/or with my partner and/or with our cats. Iā€™m soon going to enter the WK fast levels which will definitely mean my SRS hours will increase at least by 40% which I think I can handle since it should only be for about 70-90 days.
I know it sounds a bit fast, but I managed to get lots of immersion time (watching anime) during my last two years of high school so my hearing ability far outclasses my reading to this day and I already know most of the words that I put in my SRS (in terms of pronunciation, usage, etcā€¦) and I only have to concern myself with learning the actual kanji.
At my pace, I should be finished with lessons for Bunpro and Wanikani by May, which gives me a couple of months or so to finish my Kitsun decks and do past papers (for JLPT). Iā€™m confident but cautious as I want to pass with as high a score as possible and know this is my last chance to have this much time before I go to college and go back to only doing immersion in my free time.


Iā€™m glad I made it! But things are starting to get a bit hectic. :upside_down_face: Iā€™ll get back on track soon!


Nice to have WK mostly behind me and put more time hereā€¦though time is limited at the moment.


Ohh look at all these nice streaks! :smiley: Good job everyone!


Not to derail, but which levels do you mean are the fast levels? Do they use less complicated kanji or pair up a bunch as jukugo with easy or previously learned kanji? Level 13 here, so Iā€™ve still got a ways to go on WK.

Also, planned to join this thread in Jan, but ultimately hit a whole week of no Japanese at allā€¦so determined to stay resolute in Feb. Posting now to make sure I hit the full 28 this month even while moving into a new house this month (just have to stay motivated!) Cheers.


Fast levels are levels that have so few radicals that you have the entire amount of Kanji you need to level up available to you right from the start of the level. The fast levels are every level between 43-60 except 45 and 48. These 16 levels take a minimum of 3 days and 10 hours to complete, whereas slow levels take 6 days and 20 hours (exactly double). This is because in slow levels you have to first guru the radicals (which takes 3 days and 10 hours) and only then do you unlock the remaining Kanji necessary to level up (as the ones provided at the beginning of slow levels are not enough to level up). This results in a very high lesson count if youā€™re going very fast and doing lessons right as they come in (which I intend to try).

If my explanation was confusing, hereā€™s another explanation from another WK user

In order to level up in Wanikani, you must guru at least 90% of the kanji for that level. In order to unlock a kanji, you must reach its level and guru all the radicals it depends on. This means that for most levels, you must go through two stages: First guru all the radicals on that level, then guru the kanji on that level that you unlocked after guruā€™ing those radicals. However, if at most 10% of the kanji on a level depend on radicals from the same level, then there is only one stage required to complete the level. This is because 90+% of the kanji are available immediately on level up, so you do not have to wait to guru that levelā€™s radicals first before you can start on the kanji.

PS: If youā€™re having trouble concentrating because of distracting social media (Youtube, Reddit, Twitter, etcā€¦), I would recommend using Cold Turkey Blocker on your computer and/or the Screen Time function on your phone (if you have an IPhone) or some equivelant Android function to be able to limit the amount of time you spend on non-Japanese activities if that is something of interest to you.


Thatā€™s not a bad ideaā€¦! Might have to consider that if I canā€™t get my self control down :ghost:

I get what youā€™re saying about the ā€œfast levelsā€. Makes senseā€”you donā€™t have to go through two SRS guru walls. Iā€™ve been balancing Kitsun (JLPT N5, Core 10K, Kataka 4.5K, Kana Only Vocab, & Beyond WK), Wanikani, Bunpro & Genki. I tend to spread myself thin, but make constant strides in all areas, though very slowly.

Right now Iā€™m about 60% through Bunpro N5, on WK Level 13 and about half done with Genki I. I tend to WRITE EVERYTHING when studying, which is why my progress is so slow. I write every kanji, kana, question, definition, etc. in books for each study material. The only exception is Kitsun. I use that as my ā€œquick studyā€ and just mash out vocab SRSā€”good, bad or ugly. I figured I can just learn by seeing on Kitsun, whereas my learning style is more suited for ā€œby doingā€ so I keep it written on the other formats.


I just realized how close me and @TheSuicidalMuffin are in days studied count. Awesome!


Damn, you do lessons and reviews pretty fast :stuck_out_tongue:

Howā€™s your reading practice going? That will help tremendously in the reading section of the JLPT.


Welcome :grin: Shall I add you to the table in the 2nd post then? Or do you know how to do it? :smile:

When are you joining us? :stuck_out_tongue:


Soon hopefully! Yesterday I started reading ć‚­ćƒŽć®ę—… again (after some failed attempts due to time constraints), but this time with the reading tool in Kitsun. Been adding cards from there to a new deck to study later :slightly_smiling_face:


Hahaaā€¦unfortunately, I missed February 7thā€¦so I was too embarrassed to join!! My goal was to hit all of February, but somehow I missed a dang day!! Oh well. At least you guys motivate me to consistently try to maintain a streak :laughing:. Iā€™ll post a full 30/31 one of these days here in the near futureā€¦hopefully! :sweat_smile:


I watch half my content with Japanese subtitles and read a few news articles a day as well. Iā€™ll definitely do more reading immersion as the test gets closer.