Tags not cleared between creating new cards

After putting in tags for one card and saving the card, the tags box isn’t cleared for the next card.

The reason for this is that you often create the same type of cards after eachother (e.g. cards tagged ‘Chapter 1’), so this has been done intentionally.

Maybe others can chime in on whether they would prefer it to be cleared or not?

I see, at first I found it annoying that I had to clear it so often, but it has had it’s uses so far. I’ve been using the tags to put things like “Transitive verb” or “Usually written in kana alone”, so depending on the order of words I’m adding, this can be a blessing or a curse.

Maybe a toggle between remembering last tags on the page could be a decent low priority feature down the line.

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As the original requester of this feature :wink: I’d like to defend it on the basis that it’s more annoying to have to re-type a tag than it is to delete a tag.

I’m intrigued why you’re using the tags to mark things like that @tehdunsparce - is that not information you want to show on the card itself? Or do you use it more to search / sort?

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Even if you add “Transitive verb” in the card itself, the search tool will identify that info and find it for you :v: