[Solved] Troubles with CSV Import

I’m currently testing to import a few cards from CSV with the “Advanced CSV & TXT” feature. I want to use both index and tags.


100,Kantō,関東地方,かんとうちほう,"Tokyo, Gunma, Saitama, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Chiba, Kanagawa","Tokyo, Gunma, Saitama, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Chiba, Kanagawa",43303058,1335.52,1,32424.12,6,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kant%C5%8D_region,Region
200,Kansai,近畿地方,きんきちほう,"Mie, Nara, Shiga, Kyōto, Ōsaka, Wakayama, Hyōgo","Mie, Nara, Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Wakayama, Hyogo",22426067,677.03,2,33123.77,5,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansai_region,Region
300,Chūbu,中部地方,ちゅうぶちほう,"Yamanashi, Gifu, Ishikawa, Nagano, Shizuoka, Niigata, Fukui, Toyama, Aichi","Yamanashi, Gifu, Ishikawa, Nagano, Shizuoka, Niigata, Fukui, Toyama, Aichi",21306555,318.86,3,66820.34,3,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C5%ABbu_region,Region
400,Kyūshū,九州,きゅうしゅう,"Kumamoto, Kagoshima, Ōita, Miyazaki, Okinawa, Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki","Kumamoto, Kagoshima, Oita, Miyazaki, Okinawa, Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki",14326958,322.60,4,44410.30,4,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyushu,Region
500,Tōhoku,東北地方,とうほくちほう,"Miyagi, Akita, Iwate, Yamagata, Fukushima, Aomori","Miyagi, Akita, Iwate, Yamagata, Fukushima, Aomori",8781008,131.19,5,66930.26,2,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C5%8Dhoku_region,Region
600,Chūgoku,中国地方,ちゅうごくちほう,"Okayama, Yamaguchi, Shimane, Hiroshima, Tottori","Okayama, Yamaguchi, Shimane, Hiroshima, Tottori",7357474,230.52,6,31916.1,7,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C5%ABgoku_region,Region
800,Shikoku,四国,しこく,"Kōchi, Ehime, Tokushima, Kagawa","Kochi, Ehime, Tokushima, Kagawa",3765785,200.44,8,18787.02,8,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shikoku,Region

I have a few issues:

  1. There is an additional card imported, with all fields as undefined, index is -1.
  2. I specified to use tags, but they are empty after import.

It would also be useful to see the cards in the “All Cards” view sorted by index to see in what order they will appear. Currently they are sorted by import order.

Also, is there a simple way to import image files, or do you have to do it by hand?


I’ll put it on the list!

For sure! Sorting options are also still on the todo list! :smiley:

Sadly, right now it has to be done manually, although you could spam one of those img upload buttons once you figure out what the url will be (iirc something like data.kitsun.io/userid/deckid/name.extension)

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This is working now!

One small feature request: if the fields in the CSV header already match the field names it would be nice if they are automatically selected in all those pulldown menus that come up :slight_smile: