Show a list of words in the Deck page

To view all items in a deck, or look at known words vs everything else for an overview, we currently need to go to the table in Deck > Manage cards (or Tools > Known words for those in particular).

I think it would be useful to have a list of words in the deck page, under the Leeches section, similar to how eg. Wanikani lists radicals and kanjis for the level you are at. It’s helpful with knowing what the level holds for you and how you’re tracking with it.
I realise some decks consist of thousands of cards. I would personally still like to see all of them for an overall idea of the deck, but perhaps some filters or settings could help with showing the amount that a user is comfortable with?

The word items are listed in a very nice way already in the Review summary page, I think those would be perfect for the job.
To better explain the idea, I took the courtesy of visualising it.

Let me know what you think!


Heya! Sorry for the very late response, it seems I’ve missed a few new threads lately!

I think it would be nice to show the words somewhere on the page, but as you mentioned, it’s a lot of data for some decks. It should only load when the user wants it to (by clicking) to save bandwidth and memory usage, but at that point I feel like it would be just as easy to click on the Manage Cards button.

Perhaps we could introduce a different type of view on the manage cards page where the items will look similar to how it looks in your screenshot?