Reviews have to be answered twice, thrice?


new user here who came here recently from WK to pracise my Genki words which I have also just started (I’m a beginner Japanese student).

I’m finding it is taking me a long time to get through reviews, longer than WK for sure.

I’m not quite sure why that is but it feels like I’m having to answer each permutation of
-Japanese spoken to English
-English to Japenese
-Japanese to English

for every word.

Is that a general site issue / feature?
Or is that something to do with the ‘Genki Complete Vocabulary’ deck I’m studying?

Perhaps the time is well spent, it seems to help my reading. But I’m just curious if this is hard-coded into the site or can be changed.


This depends on the deck, this one has three tests as you said, recall, recognition, comprehension.

So the difference there is that you should also be able to understand Japanese words just from listening, which is obviously important for actually doing something in Japanese. WK is mainly for kanji, but for Genki beginners should also hear how to pronounce correctly.

You could turn off individual tests by going to Edit Deck > Layout Filtering, but going for all tests is my recommendation :slight_smile:


To expand on this:

I personally use layout filtering to filter out English -> Japanese layouts (aka sibling cards). While I agree that they can be useful, I find that it takes way too much time and I seem to forget them way easier, which also influences the rank up of the other items.

That said, this is not site specific, rather it is card specific as the creator can decide which layouts to use for each card. In this case the author chose to provide 3 layouts.


@acm2010 @Neicudi Thank you both, exactly what I was looking for.