Review intervals too short? Too many reviews, not enough wait time?


I’ve been studying the Genki I deck for a few weeks but I seem to have a lot of reviews including for items I know well (hai yes etc)

I have about 50 reviews and even when leveling up the reviews don’t reduce as much as I am used to from Wanikani.

Is the issue that kitsun has more gradual SRS levels, there by feeling ‘slower’ than Wanikani over the same length of time?

I would love to have a feature to have the same SRS intervals as in Wanikani. I feel like I’m seeing the words again to soon and my mind is not getting enough rest between reviews.

I know I can change SRS defaults but I’d rather have a switch to match WK settings.

Also I’m not sure why there are 8 SRS intervalls under ‘advanced’ but then on the deck overview I see only like 5 SRS levels. That’s confusing or maybe I don’t understand how it all works.

But the main feedback is I’m feeling my mind does not get enough time before reviews with default settings and I’m not sure how to improve it without fiddling with ‘advanced’ settings (which make me think I could mess something up)


Edit: Changed the subject title to describe the issue, rather than ‘srs interval’ which I’m not even sure is the issue

I know the ‘filter sibling cards’ option is effective in reducing reviews.

But there is still an issue with simply seeing cards too soon again. Every day I seem to get asked how to say good morning. It’s weird.

Or perhaps my SRS intervals got screwed up by mistakes on the sibling cards while I was still using them? Does a mistake on a sibling card cause additional reviews for both cards?


The default SRS intervals are exactly the same as on WK. To be completely clear:

The ranks you see on the deck dashboard are the 5 major ranks. Rank 1 (Fennec fox) consists of 4 intervals. Rank 2 (Kit fox) consists of 2 intervals.

This is actually the same as how WK works. You can hover over the first two rank counts to see the break down per interval.

The default interval values are also the same as WK. But if you feel that this isnt enough, you can always change them.

Getting a wrong answer on a sibling will indeed level it down one or two intervals (depending on the current level). The Genki deck has quite some sibling cards if I recall correctly, so perhaps that’s why.

Just to be sure I’ll check your account/items to see if anything is wrong. I’ll let you know if I find anything!


Thanks for clarifying.

I think I suffered from the double whammy of not filtering siblings (initially, as that is the default setting) and also making the odd mistake on a sibling, so reviews never reduced.

I’m sure what I did is a newbie mistake, but I wished there was a notice of some kind when adding the Genki deck about sibling cards and how mistakes can lead to reviews piling up. It may be common sense to some users but for me as WK user where there seem to be no siblings I didn’t get it initialy.

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Wanikani essentially has sibling cards as well (japanese -> english and japanese -> readings) which rank down together if you get one wrong.

I do agree that it would be nice to give a notice about being able to filter certain siblings and how many there are in the deck (perhaps in the public deck description) ^^

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Maybe some standardized parameters that creators can fill in.

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Can someone please tell me where the setting for filtering siblings is? I can’t find it, but want to try it :sweat_smile:

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It can be found at the deck settings. Which can be accessed from either the pencil button on the page with all your decks, or the ‘edit deck’ button at the dashboard of that particular deck :slight_smile:

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Thank you!
For some reason I couldn’t scroll down on the “Advanced” section of the edit page. Found it now :slightly_smiling_face:

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I originally had information about my deck’s default SRS settings, and currently they specify the layouts and mention that these can be filtered.

But users being able to adjust the settings of a community deck is a kitsun feature, so it feels like it shouldn’t be on the deck creators to advertise that fact. It seems unnecessary for hundreds of decks to be repeating the same advice and instructions over and over.

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I agree that they don’t have to mention that it’s customizable. That’s not what I meant :stuck_out_tongue:

I meant that it’s a good idea for creators to list the layout types (such as Eng -> JP, JP -> Eng) so that the users know what to expect.

Ah, okay, I misunderstood, sorry ^^

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