Repeated reviews per session

Hi all, I just started with the 10k - Kitsun optimized deck.
When doing reviews, each word and sentence is being reviewed 4 times.
So when doing 5 reviews - I have to answer 20 times in total. Which becomes unbearable when the review pile becomes bigger later on.

I checked some other decks were each review is only done one time per word/sentence.

Why is this and how can I reduce it to one review only per word in the 10k kitsun deck?

I got an answer by email so in case someone in the future also wonders about this:

"For Community Decks you can filter any layout you want from reviews by going into the deck settings and going to the filter layouts section. Here you can select the layouts you want active. This only works for community decks, as for other decks you can just remove the layouts from the cards directly.

A quick note about the 10k community deck is that it has two layouts for testing the vocabulary regularly (meaning/reading), but also two sentence template-based layouts (audio & sentence) iirc. This is why it gives you multiple reviews/layouts."

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