No audio during lessons (reviews OK) on iOS

I’ve replaced my homepage links and tried different browsers but no avail.

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Hmm, couple of questions:
Does it happen for all decks?
Since when does it happen?
Do you have autoplay turned on for both front and back?
Do you have a specific hotkey for it?
If so, does pressing the hotkey work?

I haven’t changed code related to audio lately, so I’m not sure what might be causing it.

No, it’s my personal deck “Chapter 1-12 N3 単語2000”, almost done with it so hope to share soon.

I can’t be sure since I’ve just been spot checking the audio. However this has happened before in the past as well but I haven’t seen any delay/no audio since the layout overhaul (was working before weekend too). I’m not getting audio on my iphone and desktop (also on reviews or card management). The sound files a bit bigger (gives the vocab and then a full sentence) and are on every entry.

I don’t have any autoplay turned on

No specific hotkey.

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Alright, and during reviews they do work? It just doesnt work during lessons? How are you checking if it works? By pressing the audio hotkey or by clicking the audio button?

Does it work when you check the edit card popup from the management table?

I’ll take a look at your account and check out the deck in the mean time :slight_smile:

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Sorry for the confusion but the ‘no audio’ evolved now to reviews, lessons and card management on iOS (Safari or Chrome) and desktop (Chrome). Earlier, this was only for lessons. I am clicking audio button for both.

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Did you by any chance have a deck that you previously used for the same cards? And to be more clear, did you delete the old deck?

The cards from 497 onwards do work, and have the correct deckID associated with the audio, coincidentally those are from chapter 5+

I checked the media storage and no key with the other deckID exists. Because it does exist as a link in Kitsun, that’d mean that the deck was deleted along with the audio files belonging to that deckID.

I did not think of this scenario when implementing the card transfer feature. I’ll be putting out a hotfix for now that prevents deletion of stored media in general.

Do you still have the audio files on your device? I can batch re-upload them and put it all back to normal for you.

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Yes, I consolidated everything into one deck the day you released the ‘move to other deck’ feature. Once I moved them, I deleted the extraneous decks.

Interesting, I was spot checking audio as I was going and it was working, or so I thought. And today, the early number were working (occassionally) until they stopped entirely. But 497 sounds about right because +497 was the main deck (anything less got transferred). Ignore 872 onward, I just haven’t uploaded those yet.

I have them saved locally but can share. Unless you have a super fast way, don’t worry about it. I can re-upload them again. The ‘move to other deck’ is a great feature though and really helped re-organize my decks.

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I’ll pm you about it, manually uploading 500 files does not sound fun to me!