New card button is missing

When I created my deck, I had to click the button in the top left (that flips the card display style from thumbnails to a tabled list and back again) before the thumbnail with “New Card” appeared.

However, now that I’ve added a couple of cards, tried them out and went back to the cards dashboard, I can’t get the “Add New Card” action to show up at all.

I’m using (the latest I think) Chrome on OS X 10.11

Also, in the Quickstart docs page where it talks about adding new cards, putting a screenshot to show what it looks like in the dashboard would be excellent. :slight_smile:

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You can add new cards straight from the deck dashboard page:

This weekend the redesign will go live and will completely replace this view. There will be a plus button at the top of the table at all times (for your own decks). Hopefully that should provide for a better experience :slight_smile:

I definitely agree the docs should be more clear and include pictures. I have a complete revamp of the documentation planned after the redesign goes live :smile:



I’d be interested in helping out with documentation btw, especially after spending a great deal of time trying and failing to find out of it’s even possible to (easily) import card templates into Anki and getting very frustrated about it.


Great! I’ve been thinking about putting the documentation project as a public project on github, so anyone familiar with github would be able to submit changes :slight_smile: