Thanks, @Neicudi: I no longer have negative reviews.
There’s a strange, new problem now, though: two of my five “new” lessons for the day are cards I’ve already learned. (They’re actually at level 2.) Stranger still, these lessons can’t be completed: in the lesson quiz, on correctly completing the second of two siblings, I can hit enter and get confirmation of a correct answer, but it won’t go on to the next quiz question. Usually a card would be marked as “learned” at this point and move to reviews, but here, it just gets stuck. The cards can be hibernated from the lesson queue – and sure enough, this ends up hibernating the level 2 card – but awakening the card puts it right back in the lesson queue, and it still can’t be completed.
Moreover, my homepage says I have 17 lessons, but I really only have two (the cursed two mentioned above.)
Hopefully the Sunday update fixes this, too, but I figured I’d let you know in case this is heretofore unseen behavior.