"Move to front of Queue" does not work with unlimited lessons AND random lesson order

I tend to set unlimited lessons on for most decks, just because I prefer to learn in big batches rather than in a daily drip. However, when I use the “move to front of queue” with unlimited lessons switched on, the lessons aren’t actually moved to the front of the queue; yet when I turn unlimited lessons off, suddenly they are there.

Specifically, this is a problem when the Lesson Order Method is set to random, which unfortunately is not a setting a user can change, only the creator. I’ve never noticed this issue with chronological order decks, and have tested and found that the bug doesn’t persist, but I can’t change the Lesson Order Method for community decks ergo I’m SOL.

This is a bit of an annoyance because when I start a new deck, I go through and move all the things I already know to the front of the queue, so that I can quickly get them into the review pool and out of the way of things that would actually be new to learn. (I know I can just hibernate, but I like having the extra practice no matter how certain I am that I know that 私 is わたし in kana.)


It’s working here :thinking: But I have it unlimited on 1 deck for 2+ months. I wonder if that helps @Neicudi (in case it’s an actual bug)? :o

Hmm, I’ll take a look right away, thanks for reporting!

I’ve tracked down the issue and “fixed it”. The fix however means that random order won’t work as it did before anymore though.

To be precise: Random sorting was done on the client side and not on the server, (meaning it was never fully random to begin with, but just random within the lesson batch that you got). On the client side I had no reliable way to check for manual lessons, so I’ve decided to disable the randomization on the client side.

Kitsun currently can’t randomly select cards on the server side, so I’m still searching for a solution for that problem as that is the origin of your problem to begin with. Until then I think manual lessons are more important than (fake) random sorting during lessons.

The changes will be live with update today :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much for your hard work!!! Sorry to hear that it comes at the cost of losing the random lesson order, but hopefully a solution will come up. Perhaps some sort of option to randomize the index values of cards…?

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