Major performance issues with the cards/manage page

Any suggestion welcome. I’ve been using Kitsun for quite some time, even after noticing that the decs/xxx/cards/manage page is getting slower and slower as the deck grows, but I got to the point where it is virtually unusable and it makes browsers crash and computer freeze (fairly modern Mac mini M1 8GB RAM).
My deck has around 8k cards, with no images. I can’t use Chrome anymore to handle it, Safari used to be better but now I’m at the point I can’t use that anymore (constantly get the error “this page is using too much memory - close it”).

Any suggestion?
The only reason I use the cards/manage page every day is to check if I already have a word I encounter in my studies in the deck, so if I had such search function elsewhere I would not need to use the page.

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Screenshot 2022-11-16 at 7.15.54

You can use Kitsun as a progressive web app, I use it on my phone still and it’s the fastest I’ve seen. Can be downloaded on Desktop. I don’t use it regularly because I like to vocabulary mine within browsers.

For browsers, you can wipe the cache (in Settings), it has helped me it past for card management lag.

That’s all I got, I’m sure there are other ideas out there

Actually, I tried to open the cards/manage page in Chrome now and it just crashes the browser tab

Hey, this is likely due to caching and having to handle big amounts of data (8k cards is quite a bit to load in). Kitsun caches all decks you go to the cards management table of by default on the client-side, until a change in the deck gets made. If a lot of data is being stored and processed, this can bog down the browser at some point.

The good news is that it should be easy to fix through our settings page :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: There’s a section there where you can try two things:

  1. Wipe the table cache once. Refresh the page and navigate to your cards management page to see if that fixed it.

  2. If that did not fix it, you can also consider completely disabling the client side cache (in the same section). That way it will always get all data from the server and not store anything on your browser.

Please let me know if that helped :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Hey @eran !

Please check my reply in the other thread to see what’s causing this and what the solution for this is :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

In the future I hope to change the way it works so that no client-side caching is needed anymore.

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Could it be that when a change to a deck is made you don’t delete the old cache? This will explain the leak

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Hmm, I’m fairly sure that it caches on the studylist id and then overrides the cache of that key when a change has been made to the deck. But perhaps you are right, I’ll have to take a good look at what’s going on and try to replicate the behavior.

Thanks, selecting “Use no Cache at all for this device” solved the issue

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I see the problem, new chunks are indexed with +100 as the key and old one are not deleted

(The things you do to postpone studying …)