2 weeks ago I had posted my suggestions on Discord: Feedback, but I’m not sure it got read haha
I had some ideas after doing 2 weeks of leech focusing on Kitsun and WK because it was getting out of control.
Lightning mode suggestion:
Quite often, I enable it only when I’m really 100% sure that I know the answer or possible answers. When I know there are some synonyms, or if I’m not sure what to answer, I disable it so that I can see all the possible answers. An hotkey would be really useful for that use.
Quick study/leeches suggestions:
When I was focusing on my leeches on WK (Self study quiz extension) and Kitsun, I thought that it would be really nice to be able to review the failed elements again and again.
Example: A stack of 50 leeches. If I get 15 wrong answers, the extension would ask me again, but only these 15 questions, then if I get wrong 5 of these 15, I get only the 5 last wrong questions, etc etc… until I can get to 0.
(Another suggestion on top of that same suggestion)
Sometimes some leeches are easy to fix, but some can need more time.
That’s why even in my example case, for the last 5 wrong answers, when I finish them and get 0, before closing the window, I can still press the “restart” button to restart ONLY that annoying stack of 5 few more times. That really helped me with some annoying kanjis and I’m planning to use that more often.
And a third suggestion for the quick study mode/leeches, as I’m not really sure what makes a card considered as a leech here on Kitsun :
- I think it would be nice to have some leeches training coefficient setting. That would be really interesting to have something a bit similar to the WK extension as it’s very nice to be able to customize that value on top of the following settings:
Only include leeches. Formula: incorrect / currentStreak^1.5.
- The higher the value, the fewer items will be included as leeches.
- Setting the value to 1 will include items that have just been answered incorrectly for the first time.
- Setting the value to 1.01 will exclude items that have just been answered incorrectly for the first time.
Feel free to ask me if anything was unclear as it’s a bit hard to explain.
That would be really so useful to annihilate the leeches