You get experience when you complete a review. Meaning that you only get experience when you’ve completed all layouts for that specific card.
The percentage being off sounds like it could be either of the following bugs:
- You got exp for items which weren’t actually completed (due to sibling delay), but I believe I fixed this one before
- The < 80% you saw on your next session was the unupdated percentage that was stored on the clientside from before you started any review session.
I think it might be the second one. Could you refresh the page and check the results page (go into lessons/reviews and click on results right away) again? I’m curious what the actual percentage is.
The levels require more exp the higher you get. This was done on purpose as it isn’t weird to get 200+ reviews a day in later SRS stages as they all come back to haunt you.
When I calculated the levels I mostly based it on @jprspereira’s reviews over the period of a year. I believe he had around 8000 cards done in various srs stages by then. I didn’t want to make it too easy to gain levels, and I also don’t feel like adding 999 levels due to the levels becoming extremely meaningless at that point.
I do agree that it’s too hardcore right now and will think about smoothening it out a bit more. There are currently only 20 users level 20 or higher, so it definitely needs some finetuning
While we’re on this topic, I still want to introduce levels for specific decks (if the author enables it), so that you can say “I’m level 10 on the 10k deck” or something. Just not sure how to display that in the forums