LaTeX Typesetting Support


This is just a feature request for LaTeX typesetting support. It would really be invaluable for those of us using Kitsun to memorise formulae, etc.


I’m personally not familiar with the LaTeX syntax at all, so I can’t say too much about supporting it yet, but it does look interesting and like it would be a nice addition! I do wonder how it would play with HTML/CSS for the cards though.

Would you expect to enter LaTeX into the layouts or into card fields (so card values)?

Hi, I know this thread is quite old, but I’d like to second this request for LaTeX support!

It would be perfect for maths/physics/chemistry flashcards. I don’t know any other flashcard software that support it either (not that I’ve looked very hard), so you’d be filling a niche.

In case this can help anyone else, the workaround I’ve been using so far is by putting questions and answers in as images (screenshots of properly formatted or handwritten equations) and using unicode super/subscripts where available. If you create shortcuts for them on your computer it becomes feasible.

You asked the original poster how they’d expect to enter LaTeX: it would be into the card fields.

I’m no expert, but I believe you can use MathJaxs, which is the most convenient way to implement it, and still uses LaTeX notation, so users won’t have any trouble using it.