Any new app-related changes or bugfixes will be posted in this thread.
New version is finally out as Apple has finished migrating my developer account and approved the new version of the app
New Features
Now supports older versions of Android
Asynchronous reviews! This means that everything should feel blazing fast during reviews as the calls are now done in the background and the session will sync any left over calls at the end of the session if they were not completed yet.
Swiping gestures and visual feedback - During Lessons you can now swipe left or right to move to advance, go back or flip/unflip the cards. During Reviews you can swipe up at the front, left and right to mark as wrong or correct. When swiping you will see the card move and show the icon that indicates the actions. Bring it back to the middle to prevent it from firing.
Reorder settings are now persisted between sessions and applied at the start of your review session.
iOS - Autofocus for reviews should now work (except for the very first card)
Timelines are now put further to the top on the home/deck overview pages.
Timeline now hides the tooltip when switching view
Timeline tooltip is now centered
Current streak should now be correct for users with a long streak (summer/winter time would sometimes break the streak)
Results - No longer shows greater than 100% exp for level 50 users
Results - Fixed an issue where some decks would not load the results screen
Add new deck popup - Now correctly triggers validation messages when needed.
Community screens now have back buttons at the top
Autofill for login should now work for both fields at once
Home -> Deck -> reviews/lessons should now correctly refresh the home tab afterwards
Heatmap - Fixed some visibility issues with the heatmap colors
Reviews/Lessons/Card Previews should now scale better (less huge)
Clicking on review/lesson actions will now properly hide the keyboard (and no longer obstruct the popup)
Reviews - Next button can no longer be tapped twice
Fixed the swipe gestures
Reviews - Fixed a lot of issues with reviews in general.
New version is out!
New Features
Launch screen is now dark by default in order to not blind you upon startup of app at night
Reviews - Lightning mode toggle is now persisted between review sessions.
Lessons - Know/Don’t Know button order has been changed to match the swipe gestures and review session buttons.
Reviews - Changing the re-order settings will no longer batch sibling cards together unless toggled on.
Reviews - Fixed a few reorder settings in general.
Reviews/Lessons - Fixed the bug that caused the -1 reviews/lessons problem and would require two taps/swipes to end the session.
Timeline - The timelines (on home and deck dashboard screens) now correctly calculates the daily reviews.
Reviews - Hibernating the last item will now properly end the session.
Timeline - Fixed a few re-render and null issues with the timeline.
Hope this solves most of the issues people have been experiencing lately I have yet to reproduce the hibernate problem (where it hibernates the next card instead) though, so any additional information on how to reproduce that would be great!
New Features:
Push notifications - Let the app remind you when your reviews are available
On iOS it will ask you for permission as soon as you either log in to the app or start the app (if already logged in)
Badge Counts - On Apple devices it will now show the number of reviews available on the app icon once you receive a push notification. Do note that it will remove the badge count as soon as you open the app (to prevent the count from being off when you finish a review session, or after hibernating/filtering etc).
Launch Screen - The launch screen on iOS is now black to prevent a white flash at night. (Try #2
Hardware Keyboard Support - The app now supports hardware keyboards during lessons and reviews! (This previously was not supported on iOS). Speed up your reviews with a bluetooth keyboard
- Reviews Results Screen - Fixed an issue where incorrectly marked items would still appear as correct on the results screen (visual bug).
New Features:
You can now edit your personal cards during lessons or reviews. You can do so by tapping on “Actions” → “Quick Edit” and a popup will open where you can edit the values and submit them.
You can now send community card suggestions & feedback through the app during lessons and reviews. It works the same as above, but by tapping on “Propose Changes” instead.
Happy to bring some more card management features to the mobile apps. Hope to bring editing and adding personal synonyms and notes soon too