My achievement is getting my reviews count down back to 0.
Also 69 days.
When I first started using Kitsun and ported my sets from Quizlet, I wasn’t really using it right and ended up binging like hundreds of terms for a Japanese set and a Spanish set in a few days. I already knew most of the words and just wanted to review them, so I didn’t think it would be a big deal. Quickly realized my mistake when I had 1000+ reviews to do. 
So, by creating that huge of a backlog in reviews, it made it pretty hard for me to review personally. Since then, I’ve picked up a lot of other sets and just kinda ignored those messy sets for a while.
However, a few days ago I decided to solve my problem. I pretty much just reset all of the terms that weren’t above a certain SRS stage, and then tackled the ones that remained. It took a while, but I got them all down!
My homepage looks so much better now:
The two problem decks (I demoted a lot of words, but it was totally worth it)