Hi there, first I just want to give my thanks to the creators for this site as it’s been helping me tremendously with my study. The site works well, but I’ve noticed a couple of places that can use a bit more polishing.
Review session: I come from Wanikani so I’ve got used to their snappy reviews which I can go through fairly quickly by just entering answers and double Enter. Here in Kitsun, I don’t know if this is just me, but for some reason double Enter after inputting the answer doesn’t work sometimes, which honestly is kinda annoying because it breaks the flow. I know this is not really your number one priority nor user-breaking bug, but as mentioned previously I think this is one of those things that can really add a better edge to Kitsun.
Decks & Cards: I noticed that if I add a deck, there is no way for me to customise the cards like tags or other info. Things like two cards having the same definition like「お手洗い」and「トイレ」is kinda hard to be able to tell which is which without tags. I can go through the “Propose Change” workflow but to be fair sometimes the change is too small to be proposed upstream. Is there no way to add my customisation while retaining updates from the deck creator themselves?
Just my two cents after a couple of weeks using Kitsun, but like I said I really like the site and would love to continue to use it.
Thanks for spending some time reading this