JLPT N4 Deck at 573 Cards

Hi all, I was under the impression that the difficulty for JLPT stacks, or essentially JLPT N4 is like double the vocab of JLPT N5 and JLPT N3 is like double of JLPT N4.
As you can imagine, that makes it quite daunting. But I see here the vocab is actually less. Is that actually the case? When they say its double do they mean JLPT N4 is essentially JLPT N5+N4 worth of vocab?


I wouldn’t get hung up on the numbers too much as no official list exists what JLPT says you need to know. If you go by the Tango books, it’s 1000 and 1500 respectively as prep. Here are some anki posts you can import in if interested. Other lists of priority could around 500 as well while extended is maybe more kana vocab.



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