Importing a wordlist

The help says,
Importing a wordlist
WIP, check back after the next update!

Well, I see that the functionality is there to upload data. Can someone please share the exact CSV format?


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You should be able to import a list with any type of splitting character, e.g. a comma or a tab in between the words.

Generally speaking when you export an excel sheet or a google sheets document as .csv or .tsv it will be able to automatically determine the fields.

You have the choice of doing an advanced csv import or a regular csv import in Kitsun.

With a regular import it generates very basic cards for you in a new deck, whereas the advanced import would allow you to choose an existing deck and existing templates/layouts. You would then select which column corresponds to which template field.

I’d say to just give it a try and it should be relatively straightforward when you advance through the import wizard. If not, feel free to ask anything :slight_smile:


ok so you’re saying the column order doesn’t matter and I can assign them to the fields as part of the wizard?


Sorry for the late reply but yes, with the advanced import you are able to do so :slight_smile:

@Neicudi have you thought of adding like a little image that would link to the Guide (the specific part where it’s mentioned) on features that are more complex? Any plans on activating the tutorial?

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As for the tutorials: I’m waiting with that until I finish the new “simple” flow, as that will be what people will start with from then on. (And will have to redo the tutorials :frowning: )


Sorry to resurrect an old thread - I wasn’t sure if I should start a new thread to ask another question about importing.

So I have a wordlist that is just a text document with Japanese but no english translation, looks like this:


When I try to import it, it asks me for the second value for each card, IE the english translation. Is there any good way of importing this list en masse or would I have to translate each and every word to english prior to doing so?

I think csv imports are really for having complete info unless there is something on the backend to help you out if your list is really long. But honestly, it would be much better to copy/paste your list in the Reader and click item and have a full dictionary buildout for each value (plus audio) rather than manually filling out a google sheet or something.

Thanks for the reply, that makes sense. I’m guessing there’s probably no way to have the reader translate the entire list / make flashcards out of them; It would have to be one word at a time?

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No, not that I’m aware of unless there are tricks on the developer side which may be possible. Nice user request idea though :slight_smile:

On the csv side, you can copy/paste a google translate and have it line up but i wouldn’t recommend the sketchy translations. The Reader manually is not too bad, once you have your assigned deck you can click set, it is click x2, ctrl+s down the list and get the dictionary build out.

Another lazy method, you could import your list to set as ‘known’ and you could filter out the known in a big deck like the 10k which likely has the words and awaken those words…but if you already have a known data base, it wouldn’t filter correctly (best if new user which may not be your case).