Import text from a web page to the reader

I already found the reader very interesting, but something that could be make it nicer would be the possibility to import the text from a web page, or to read a page with the reader tools and the ability to create cards from the text. Readlang does that using a browser extension.


You can already copy your own texts into the reader :slight_smile:

Just click on “My texts :heavy_plus_sign:

To create flashcards:

The browser extension is also on Kitsun’s to-do list :slight_smile:

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Aside from copy-pasting the text manually being a temporary workaround, creating a browser extension that lets you create cards from anywhere is on the roadmap for this year :smiley:


I posted this on MM discord but got buried…. Since the Reader Assitant Tool is currently WIP for MM, check out Manabi Reader app which is essentially a very similar parsing tool but they have it interface with news, blogs, spoken word, etc. where the articles are updated in real time and lands the content in the reader tool for immediate use. Would be great to have on Kitsun if you are going to update.