I think I broke the templates

When I try to select a template or layout from the list in Advanced Tools > {Layouts, Templates} I just get an empty list, the console message is

Unhandled promise rejection TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
    at 19.44022869558ed612f29e.js:formatted:156
    at 11.ca8bedf0bd6faadc9633.js:formatted:3289
    at 11.ca8bedf0bd6faadc9633.js:formatted:3297
    at MutationObserver.r (11.ca8bedf0bd6faadc9633.js:formatted:3171)
(anonymous) @ 11.ca8bedf0bd6faadc9633.js:formatted:3310

The offending line is

getTemplates: function() {
                    var e = this;
                    this.templates = [{
                        name: "New..",
                        _id: 0
                    this.$APIService.getCardTemplates().then(function(t) {
                        t.data.templates.forEach(function(e) {  // <<=== here
                        }, e),

[Reviews still work as usual, it seems that only changing the decks is affected.]

Sorry for the late reply, I just woke up.

Does this still happen? I will check it out in a bit

Yes, still happening, there is only the “New…” option for templates, and “No data” for layouts.

I just tried loading templates on your account on both chrome and firefox, and I’m getting
on both. Would it be possible for you to check what the api call returns?

When you reload the page with the console open, you should be able to find it like this:

Ok, I will check in about an hour. Just tested it on my phone and I also saw the templates again.

I will check what the API call does, and maybe try a hard reload. The problem is my laptop only then.

Ah great!

It looks like it’s returning something other than what it’s expecting (an array of templates). So seeing the result should give a clue to what’s going on ^^

I have no idea what is going on, the response is a lot of red dots before it cuts into what looks like the middle of an SVG …

The response string is

t: left;\n    max-width: 100%;\n    height: 80px;\n    outline: 1px solid #f6f6f6;\n    outline-offset: -1px;\n    text-align: center;\n    font-size: 1.5em;\n    color: #909399;\n}\n.bot_wrapper{\n    width: calc(100% - 2px);\n    height: calc(60vh - 102px);\n    border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;\n    border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;\n    background: #F6F6F6;\n        border: #F6F6F6 1px solid;\n}\n\n.top_wrapper p {\nfont-size: 3em;    \n margin: 0;\n    color: white;\n    display: table-cell;\n    vertical-align: middle;\n    text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000;\n}\n.type {\n    font-size: 2em;\n    color: white;\n    position: absolute;\n       top: 36px;\n    left: 30px;\n    float: left;\n}\n.top_wrapper {\n    //background: #314156;\n    /* background: #5E549A; */\n   // background: #5E549A;\n           position: relative;\n\n    height: 40vh;\n    width: 100%;\n    z-index: 1;\n    border-top-left-radius: 5px;\n    border-top-right-radius: 5px;\n}\n}\n\n@keyframes slide-in-top {\n0% {\n    opacity: 0;\n    transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0);\n  }\n\n  100% {\n    opacity: 1;\n    transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);\n  }\n\n}","isReference":false},{"_id":"5bcaec80c702cd6b6d2a0bf4","userId":"5b7a8cc87edb55136c338fd2","name":"Prefectures - Item","cardFields":[{"name":"type","index":0,"_id":"5bcaec80c702cd6b6d2a0bf3"},{"name":"name_en","index":1,"_id":"5bcaec80c702cd6b6d2a0bf2"},{"name":"name_kanji","index":2,"_id":"5bcaec80c702cd6b6d2a0bf1"},{"name":"name_kana","index":3,"_id":"5bcaec80c702cd6b6d2a0bf0"},{"name":"stats_population","index":4,"_id":"5bcaec80c702cd6b6d2a0bee"},{"name":"stats_area","index":5,"_id":"5bcaec80c702cd6b6d2a0bed"},{"name":"img_flag","index":6,"_id":"5bcaec80c702cd6b6d2a0bec"},{"name":"opt_within_X","index":7,"_id":"5bcaec80c702cd6b6d2a0beb"},{"name":"map_ids","index":8,"_id":"5bcaec80c702cd6b6d2a0bea"},{"name":"wiki_url","index":9,"_id":"5bcaec80c702cd6b6d2a0be9"},{"name":"official_url","index":10,"_id":"5bcaec80c702cd6b6d2a0be8"},{"name":"opt_capital","index":11,"_id":"5bcba6e3ad9f902128cbcffa"}],"indexField":-1,"styling":".kitsun-click:hover path {\n    fill: yellow !important;\n    transition: all 0.75s ease;\n}\n\n.lessons circle.correctclick {\n  display: inline !important;\n}\n\n.lessons .correctclick path {\n  fill: red !important;\n}\n\n.quiz circle.correctclick {\n  display: inline !important;\n}\n\n.quiz .correctclick path {\n  fill: red !important;\n}\n\n.expand_button{\n    display: inline-block;\n    padding-left: 20px;\n    padding-right: 20px;\n    font-size: 1.5em;\n    color: #ffffff;\n    height: 40px;\n    line-height: 40px;\n    margin-top: 20px;\n    background: #ccc;\n    border-radius: 50px;\n  cursor: pointer;\n      transition: 1s ease;\n  i{\n    line-height: 40px;\n    margin-left: 10px;\n  }\n}\n.expand_button:hover{\n  background: #909399;\n}\n.review_wrapper .expand_content{\n  visibility: hidden;\n}\n.quiz .expand_content{\n  visibility: hidden;\n}\n.extra_wrapper{\n  width: 100%;\n  float: left;\n}\n.c_wrapper{\n    backface-visibility: visible !important;\n    text-align: center;\n    vertical-align: middle;\n\n}\n.extra{\n      font-size: 1.2em !important;\n    margin: 0;\n    margin-left: 20px;\n    margin-right: 20px;\n    margin-top: 10px;\n}\n.subtitle {\n    color: white;\n    font-size: 1.3em;\n    display: table-row;\n    width: 100%;\n    height: 30px;\n}\n.left{\n  text-align: left;\n  margin-left:20px;\n  margin-bottom: 0;\n}\n.left_wrapper{\n      width: 50%;\n          float: left;\n\n}\n.full_wrapper{\n      width: 100%;\n    height: auto;\n    float: left;\n}\n.full_wrapper .bot_text{\n  margin-bottom: 0px;\n}\n.underline{\n        height: 2px;\n    background: #b7b7b7;\n    margin-right: 30px;\n    margin-left: 30px;\n    margin-top: 4px;\n}\n.right_wrapper .underline{\n  margin-right: 20px !important;\n}\n.left_wrapper .underline{\n  margin-left: 20px !important;\n}\n.right_wrapper{\n      width: 50%;\n    float: left;\n    text-align: right;\n}\n.right_wrapper .bot_text{\n  margin-right: 20px;\n  margin-bottom: 0;\n}\n.bot_text {\n    font-size: 1.5em;\n    color: #909399;\n}\n.top_wrapper{\n    //background: #314156;\n        position: relative;\n    height: 40vh;\n    width: 100%;\n    z-index: 1;\n    border-top-left-radius: 5px;\n    border-top-right-radius: 5px;\n    display: table;\n\n}\n\n#typeans{\n      width: 100%;\n    border: none;\n    float: left;\n    max-width: 100%;\n    height: 80px;\n    outline: 1px solid lightgray;\n    outline-offset: -1px;\n    text-align: center;\n    font-size: 1.5em;\n    }\n#typeans_wrapper{\n  height: 80px;\n}\n.green{\n  .top_wrapper{\n  background:#5FA749;\n  }\n}\n.purple{\n  .top_wrapper{\n  background:#5E549A;\n  }\n}\n.colors{\n    .top_wrapper{\n  \t//background: #71b75b;\n    //background: #60A749;\n    //background: #5E549A;\n    //background: #5E549A; \n    //background: #FED82E;\n    //background: #ff8e2a;\n    //background: #F188AA;\n    background: #3A7387;\n}\n    .bot_wrapper{\n\n  background: #cbced2;\n\t    background: #3f3f40;\n    }\n}\n\n.alt1{\n#typeans {\n    width: 100%;\n    border: none;\n    float: left;\n    max-width: 100%;\n    height: 80px;\n    outline: 1px solid #f6f6f6;\n    outline-offset: -1px;\n    text-align: center;\n    font-size: 1.5em;\n    color: #909399;\n}\n.bot_wrapper{\n  \n    width: calc(100% - 2px);\n    height: calc(60vh - 102px);\n    border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;\n    border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;\n    background: #F6F6F6;\n        border: #F6F6F6 1px solid;\n}\n\n.top_wrapper p {\n\n    font-size: 4em;\n    margin: 0;\n    color: white;\n    text-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #000000;\n        display: table-cell;\n    vertical-align: middle;\n}\n.type {\n    font-size: 2em;\n    color: white;\n    position: absolute;\n      top: 36px;\n    left: 30px;\n    float: left;\n}\n.top_wrapper {\n            position: relative;\n\n    //background: #314156;\n    /* background: #5E549A; */\n   // background: #5E549A;\n    height: 40vh;\n    width: 100%;\n    z-index: 1;\n    border-top-left-radius: 5px;\n    border-top-right-radius: 5px;\n}\n}\n\n@keyframes slide-in-top {\n0% {\n    opacity: 0;\n    transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0);\n  }\n\n  100% {\n    opacity: 1;\n    transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);\n  }\n}","isReference":false,"__v":4}]}

I can’t paste the red dots, but it seems they are \u0.

Edit: 8193 times red dot, total length for the template response is 14510 for me.

Okay that is extremely weird. The templates should not contain the svg at all. that’s a layout property, something you aren’t loading at all through the templates call…

As for the dots, those display when chrome can’t render the format… but that still doesnt explain why it even shows you an svg in the templates call O_O

OK, I tried empty cache and hard reload, it seems to work again now, sorry for the trouble :slight_smile:

I think the received string was correct (at least the length and the end are the same), I mistook the translate3d etc for the SVG, but it is the shared template styling.

For some reason the first 2^13 bytes got corrupted.

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That’s still absolutely weird haha, how does it suddenly get corrupted…

Ah well. Please let me know if it happens again :sweat_smile:

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Because of the size and the fact that cleaning worked it was probably caching gone wrong.

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