I really like the 10k deck, but I would really like to sort it by frequency

I’ve been using kitsun for a few months along WK and it’s pretty nice so far, but it seems that the order of words is pretty random… Is there any way of sorting it by frequency? I’ve noticed that (almost) every card has a frequency field with a number but if I try to sort it by it, it sorts it like this: 100, 1000, 100029, 10006, …
DECK - 10k - Kitsun Optimized

Also, I’m not sure how it works, but if I add a card to the front of the queue, and I go to study cards, the card is not there. Is the front of the queue the end? :d

Pretty sure the ‘frequency’ is not the commonality. The deck is already indexed and that appears to align with the 1k, 2k, etc. tags (and the content seem appropriate for that level). So I think if you just hibernate your ‘known’ content, you should be all set to run the deck in order as is. How each 1k level is organized, I can’t say and I’m not sure of the purpose of the frequency column

I’m pretty sure the front of que is meant for lessons, not reviews. Reviews are designed to be randomize.

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Yeah, I meant lessons, I have put some items to the front, and now when I add new things there, they seem to be put on the end.

I wonder how it’s indexed then… for example the word 拍手 is way before the word たくさん.

It would also be pretty nice if they could update the WK tag, because many words that were added to WK don’t have it yet.

They are both in the 1k realm, within each thousand I’m not sure.

I just tried it out and didn’t have issue…hmm. In other words, they are not showing up in your lessons at all? Just to be sure, are you getting the green status indicating the mark for ‘add to front…’ ?

This is probably more up to date: WaniKani Known Kanji & Vocab Filter

But it doesn’t have the kana words, this was published before. Instruction how to use are inside and this will allow you to filter through all Kitsun decks as marked known

For the kana additions, they are listed on this thread. I would just suggest copy/paste them into the known word tool and then bank them as your ‘known’ words in Kitsun and filter as such. WK does a terrible job listing them out, sorry for the messy suggestion. I’d like to add them in the Deck filter above if I can get through the Item Inspector

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Thanks a lot! :relaxed:
I’ll try to explain the queue thing. Basically I added all items that don’t have the WK tag to the front of the queue, but now when I try to add some item (that has the WK tag) to the front of this queue it doesn’t go to the front…

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Are you hibernating your WK content that you don’t need? I would suggest doing this first or adding/organizing your known bank as a filter method to hibernate content marked as ‘known’ as this is incredibly helpful when using the platform (not just 10k).

As mentioned, the deck is already organized by frequency so you should not have to mass select ‘front to que’…the tool is more for selective basis anyways when you want select items first, there are going to be items you are not going to see for a while unless you are doing hundreds of lessons at once.

Now added in the filter deck…I accidentally added them twice (maybe there was lag when I first checked, marked for deletion), but shouldn’t matter for known filtering

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Just to explain what’s happening over here:
If you put something to the front, it creates a secondary priority queue at the front. If you first add 3 items, and later on 1 more, it will first give you those 3 items, then the 1 you added later. Whatever gets added to the front first, shows up first.


Thanks a lot! I got it set up pretty well now. :slight_smile:
The only thing missing now is some kind of pitch accent info…

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