"Hungry for more" lesson input box

The prompt that comes up when you want to add more lessons should probably be center aligned. That and it should probably have a default value of 0, because it’s default atm is blank.
EDIT: It also probably shouldn’t allow negative values.


Or perhaps the default should be whatever your deck’s batch size is :thinking:

Definitely this :point_up:

With center-aligned I assume you mean the input box itself? The popup in general (and the text should be in the center already.

I’ll make the default ‘1’ and you’re right, it definitely shouldn’t allow negative values.

I’ll put it on the list :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the reports by the way, it’s much appreciated!

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What happens if you do type negative values? :rofl:

I don’t think it will do anything considering it recalculates your reserve every day :slight_smile: But let’s not try it :stuck_out_tongue:

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I was just wondering ok!!! Bugs can become features sometimes :rofl:

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