For MaruMori we have decided to focus on Discord as our community area so to speak. For Kitsun there’s also a Discord server. So if you have a Discord account, feel free to join us on either server (see links below) 
If not, posting here is also fine 
MM and Kitsun do not sync yet, although we do have plans on enabling such a feature in the future (marking MM items as “known” on Kitsun, or suspending “known” Kitsun items on MM).
In terms of content, you’ll find that MM currently offers Grammar Lessons, Reading exercises, Kanji & Vocab up to at least N4. The beginner region corresponds to N5 and tackles all the grammar points you’d need for the test. The Lower Intermediate (N4) region is currently getting a new batch of levels every two weeks 
For Kanji and Vocabulary in particular, we already go further than N5-N4. In the main “adventure” course you currently get around 330 kanji and ~1500 vocabulary, which is much more than what N5 asks of you.
A quick note on that though is that we do not strictly follow JLPT levels for our kanji and vocabulary unlocks. We focus on teaching you kanji with associated vocabulary. Based on multiple factors:
- Stroke count
- JLPT level
- Grade (school grade in Japan)
- Do other kanji depend on this item? (we teach kanji by building on your previously learned kanji. so if kanji A is inside kanji B, we teach kanji A first, if it makes sense for the level of the user)
- Associated vocabulary to help teach the kanji reading(s)
- JLPT level
- Is it Common? (Frequency data)
So because of that, we try to strike a balance between the above factors. When you take into account that N5 vocabulary can use N2+ Kanji in it, it becomes fairly logical that we can not teach you everything in the exact JLPT order 
However, our premade study lists on MM will soon arrive (likely within 7 days from now
), which will also include lists of N5 to N1, for you to supplement your studies with if needed.
That said, if you are already doing N5 vocabulary/kanji on Kitsun, there’s no need to switch to MM for that, you can just continue what you were doing ^^
Grammar SRS is definitely on our roadmap (Phase 3), but personally, I’m more a fan of testing your grammar in other ways. For example through getting you to read/immerse native material (graded readers / reading tool), having actual tests (mock exams), and things like conjugation/grammar drills. All of which are also planned features 
Thank you so much for the support by the way!