Got stuck in lessons (500 Internal Server Error)

Looks like the JLPT N5 deck has two of the same cards おべんとう. When I try to learn the card for the second time, I just got stuck, nothing happens when I press Enter, so I can’t move it to the reviews queue.
In the Chrome console I see this:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
16.181e047a4c184e514d40.js:1 Error: Request failed with status code 500
    at FtD3.e.exports (vendor.b804d8b41650a662328c.js:34)
    at e.exports (vendor.b804d8b41650a662328c.js:1)
    at XMLHttpRequest.p.(anonymous function) (

And the response is

{"success":false,"message":"Could not save progress, already completed the lesson!"}
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Hmm, that’s definitely weird. I just tried it myself and the issue didn’t occur for me.

Could you let me know what OS and browser you are using? And did you do anything “special” during your lessons? (perhaps move back and forth through cards or select “more time” when the quiz popup comes?

Once you refresh the page the issue should resolve itself, but this definitely isn’t supposed to happen! Please let me know if it happens again and I’m sorry for the inconvenience!

Yes, I’ve just come here to the forums because I’m also having a problem in lessons this morning. The lessons go okay, but then, in the review immediately afterwards, things freeze and I can’t move on after putting in the answer.
I refreshed the page, but that hasn’t helped.
All the best,

PS - I also use Chrome

PPS - I’ve just refreshed the page again. That takes me back to lessons, and then the quiz, and it seems it always gets stuck at the last item of the quiz. It won’t let me move on from there.

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I’m using the 10k - Kitsun Optimized deck and I am having the same issues. I am getting reviews for cards I have already done lessons for, which is why I imagine completing the review isn’t working.

For example, my reviews consisted of 一つ、二、三つ、etc.

This issue is Chrome, Firefox, and both Windows & MacOS.

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I just had the same problem when the lessons quiz stopped, the code goes into the catch statement in the function correctReview(). I’m pretty sure is was doing some lessons on the weekend, so it must be a fresh change.

Everything still works for reviews, though.

Edit: I didn’t do anything special, and same result after a hard reload.

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Sorry I was sleeping, I’m gonna take a look and issue a fix as soon as I find the problem!

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Found the issue and hotfixed it!

I’m very sorry for the inconvenience, it broke with yesterday’s big internal update and slipped through my testing :\

Let me know if it’s working well again!


It appears to be working… My first lesson is no longer 一つ.

Thanks for the fix!


Thanks for reporting and confirming!

On a general note:
I will push another hotfix later today to fix manual lessons, as those seem to have stopped showing up in the lesson queue as well.


Yep, all working fine again now! Thank you so much!

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