Genki Vocab Deck - Which Layouts to Use?

Hello! I’m currently using WaniKani and reading Genki 1. To help with this, I’m using two Kitsun decks: the reverse WaniKani and the Genki vocab deck.

The Genki vocab deck gives me each word 3 times during reviews: English-Japanese, Japanese-English, and then Japanese audio. I have 2 issues with this: 1) It’s starting to feel like a bit much to constantly use all three layouts, and 2) It feels like I’m cheating because I might not recall the Japanese but if I hear it or see it before I get to the English-Japanese layout, that will jog my memory so I will end up getting all 3 correct when I did not actually know it.

Just curious if anyone else has had the same thoughts? Should filter out any of the layouts or keep the default?

Thank you!

Try the ‘delay siblings’ feature under deck settings. This will separate each of the three types of layout questions based on whatever interval you tell it. You level up / progress words much more slowly…but it does help with this. I just started using it recently and am happy with it thus far.