Furigana Over Numbers?

Is there a way to add furigana over a number + kanji. For instance, is there a way to add “よっか” over “4日”?

Apologies if there is an obvious answer I’m missing, but I’ve searched these forums and haven’t found any discussions on this particular issue.

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We have a specific field type for this. Taken from the old (and hidden https://kitsun.io/help page):

Displaying Furigana

Furigana (the small characters above the Kanji) can be added with the following syntax:


In order for this field to display the furigana, you first need to format the card values with the following syntax:




As you can see above, the furigana values need to be put right after the related kanjis and put inbetween either standard width [] or full-width {}.

Doing this will generate the following line on your card:


That said, I’m not completely sure if it will work for numbers as it searches for kanji to put the furigana on top of. You could perhaps try by splitting up the furigana like this:

4{よっ}日{か} to see if that might work.

Another option would be to display all of the reading value above the main value in the layout, but that might not be what you are looking for.

Unfortunately, 4{よっ}日{か} just puts the よっ over a blank space instead of the 4. I thought maybe there was some hidden syntax I didn’t know about like 4{日|よっか} or something. Either way, it’s not a big deal. I just figured I’d ask before getting too deep into a deck I’m making for myself.


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For MaruMori we adopted a syntax similar to what you mentioned ({4日|よっか}), as it gives a lot more control and prevents accidental furigana misplacements (Kitsun searches backwards in the value for kanji iirc).

Perhaps we could add a new furigana field using updated syntax in the near future if anyone would deem it handy to have :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: