Maybe this is intended functionality (though I’d be curious as to why, if that’s the case), but when a deck is set to “Always Show Flip Buttons”, but has Input cards (specifically the Kitsun General Languages Template and related Layouts), the Flip buttons show up and work as normal, but the hotkeys for them are non-functional, particularly for marking right or wrong.
Some related QOL things might be that the hotkeys for the flip buttons don’t seem to work period in lessons, the input field has the “wrong answer” style when using the flip button (I would understand if this would be impractical to fix), and for a version of the Kitsun General Languages which is Non-Input. Not like it’s hard to modify it to make it non-input, but it does seem like something a lot of people would use out-of-the-box. But everything in this paragraph would just be nice to have. It’s only what’s described in the above paragraph that has run me into some minor problems.
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