Feedback on this Forum!

This is a place to post any minor feedback you have on the way these forums work (as opposed to Kitsun itself). I’m thinking things like requesting different emoji sets and asking for the option to select a solution.

I created it because I keep bothering @Neicudi with random suggestions and derailing other threads :grin:

Please bear in mind that the forums are hosted by Discourse, and as such many aspects / features of the framework are determined by what they provide and can’t be altered by Kitsun. That said… no harm in asking!


I wonder if we can have protected sub on this forum? Sub forum like campfire on WK forum so that it won’t be crawled by search engines?

Holding back myself from trying to make POLL for this because I saw the POLL thread on this forum. And holding myself from saying this but I’m saying this anyway: Yello! First reply!

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Hello! :grin:

What would you prefer to have as private? The ‘The Den’ category?

Yes, The Den sub for one. Other than The Den, I haven’t read them all yet, so I can’t decide yet.

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