[Discussion & Feedback] LearnRussian - Vocab List

LearnRussian Vocab list!

This deck has all the words used in the well-known online grammar course Learn Russian.

Link: https://kitsun.io/store/detail/5e456a4ac8bbcc66edc12d14

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Why should you learn this!

  • 2366 Russian words to learn!
  • Modern looks - Kitsun default template integrated!
  • Russian input keyboard integrated! No need to change keyboard to type in Russian
    All cards display the stress of the words and have RU->EN and RU->RU dictionary links acessible for you!
  • All words are tagged by which lessons they show up in the grammar course, so that you can learn the words for your next grammar lessons in advance!

How to study this deck - IMPORTANT:

I highly recommend anyone using this deck to activate “Delay Card Siblings” in the deck settings. This deck trains you on both Russian - English and English - Russian. It doesn’t make sense to study both in the same review session, as one would spoil the other. By activating “Delay Card Siblings”, you’ll study them separately. I recommend a 23h interval between siblings.

Another recommendation would be to study the words before studying the grammar chapter they’re in on Learn Russian. In other words, if you’re going to start with Chapters 5-10, it’s advisable for you to learn the words in those chapters in advance. This way, you will be able to purely focus on the grammar itself and not have to worry about learning new vocabulary at the same time. It can be pretty learning inefficient (and exhausting!) to do both at the same time.

What’s next!

  • Add native audio to all cards.
  • Add Part of Speech to all cards.
  • Add example sentences for all cards.
  • Add more specific tags to each card saying in which lesson they actually are!

I need your help!

If you’re learning Russian through this grammar course Learn Russian, I’d appreciate you to gather some information for me in order to make this deck better :slight_smile:

  • Found a word in the course that’s not on this deck? Tell me and I’ll add it.
  • Tell me in which lesson you found a word for the first time in this course! As you know, Learn Russian lists their vocabulary lists in groups of 5 lessons. Those are tagged in this deck, but I’d like to be even more specific. Instead of “Lessons 1-5”, “Lesson 1” or “Lesson 3” would be more useful for you the learner, so that you could balance your grammar and vocab study sessions a little better :slight_smile:


For feedback, please use the send suggestions feature on Kitsun (actions during reviews). You can also send me general feedback through this thread :slight_smile:


Some news for any Russian learner around here: @FlamySerpent and I are working on this deck and deleting the trash cards, adding better synonyms and part of speech and other stuff. The original deck was obtained from another SRS platform, but it was in terrible conditions.

Thank you for all the suggestions @FlamySerpent :eyes::ok_hand::yellow_heart:


A thousand done, a thousand more to go :triumph: :muscle: