Differentiating cards in the WaniKani Reversed deck

Hi everyone,

I started studying the WaniKani Reversed deck in tandem to supplement my WK studies, but on many occasions I have a hard time differentiating words like “mother” or “ten thousand” where there are multiple ways to express the term. Do I miss something here? At the moment if feels like a 50/50 chance based on luck if I get right these terms and that gives me a bit of frustration. Any recommendations would greatly help to overcome this.


I’d suggest either making use of the synonym via blue button, add an edit for deck author to allow for the community or just make the judgement call yourself to override (or just make it a flip deck). These precise entries that your already know but the system doesn’t accept is a giant waste of time to recirculate (but at least Kitsun lets you circumnavigate natively very easily so it isn’t a hinderance).


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