Hi! I just found Kitsun.io last week and am excited that there finally seems to be an SRS website that I like Currently figuring out how the system works.
I’m making my own deck with words I encountered that I don’t know yet. So I’m using the Dictionaries tab to search for the unknown word, and then I add it as a card to my deck. I’m using the Default Kitsun Layouts - Vocabulary template for my deck, and I want those cards to have three layouts (Japanese -> Readings, Japanese -> English, and English -> Japanese). Unfortunately it seems that the Generate Flashcard button adds only Japanese -> Readings and Japanese -> English, so not English -> Japanese. Is it possible to make it so that English -> Japanese is also added automatically? What determines which layouts are added automatically?
I already figured out that with the Custom Flashcard button, you can pick manually which layouts you get, but that is not very convenient