Custom Templates / Converting to Sentence Cards?


I’ve been using Kitsun for my Japanese studies as a supplement to WaniKani, and have really been liking it. Primarily, I’ve been making vocabulary cards using the default Japanese templates provided, through the card generation dictionary, of words I’ve come across through immersion.

However, I’ve lately been thinking I’d like to start to convert my vocabulary cards into sentence cards. I like the idea of having words in context so to better understand the meaning rather than an imperfect definition. There’s some good sentences with pictures and audio on Immersion Kit Dictionary that I’d love to incorporate, but I’m a bit fuzzy on how to make new templates to my liking. Is there some documentation for this? I have really appreciated how plug-and-play Kitsun has been for me up to this point compared to Anki, but I’m not quite sure how to make the adjustments I’d like.

Specifically, I think I’d like to replace the vocabulary on the front of the card with the sentence with the vocab in a different color, and the audio autoplaying. I’d still like to keep entering the answer rather than a simple flip, with the translation and definition on the back.

Seems relatively straightforward, any advice?

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The other members can probably give a better explanation answer, but for a quick and dirty approach here’s what I did


In the Tools -> Templates section of the sidebar I duplicated the default Kitsun vocabulary template and added an extra field

In the Tools -> Layouts section I edited the relevant layout for the new templates with a bit of html

Specifically, I replaced the

<p>{{Sentence}}<strong><span style="color:red;">{{Vocabulary}}</span></strong>{{Sentence2}}</p>

I haven’t messed with this, but I think theme independent coloring might be possible by using kitsun’s style variables which be found in the dev console (not really an issue if you aren’t publishing your deck).

If a field has no data in it then it won’t render. This is useful if a word is at the end of a sentence…

To add a word using the dictionary I used “Custom Flashcard” with my new template, the layouts I modified, matching the same fields (all meanings, all readings, vocabulary, part of speech). Adding in my own values for sentence/sentence2 on the last page for generating the card.


If you want to keep the input then @ccookf’s answer should suffice. If not feel free to ask :smile:





