Compact "Add Card" View

  • (EDIT: Didn’t know there was a keyboard shortcut for this) Could the Add Card page be edited so the “Save” button is closer to the text input fields? I have to mouse all the way over to the top right to ‘save’ a card.
  • Could this page generally have the empty space shrunk or layout reimagined? On my 1080p monitor, I have to scroll down to see all the input fields, which gets annoying when adding lots of cards. Doing so will hide the Save button, so then I have to scroll back up. Or more generally, I rarely need to change all of the info on the top left (Template/Layout), but I always need to edit the text fields below.
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In case not aware, Command-S works just the same on Kitsun


Didn’t know this. Thanks!


Hey @hantani!

Thanks for the feedback! I’d definitely like to revisit that popup again to clean up the design a bit more in the near future, so your feedback is definitely noted!

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