Cards level / know / hibernate clarificatyon

Hello everyone, new here … I was looking for an alternative to the Anki deck which I have never been a fan of and I discovered this great good looking Kitsun :slight_smile:

My question will probably be basic but I can’t get along with some features for deck/cards management, I dig a bit into the community center but can’t find any satisfying answer, a little help will be appreciated :slight_smile:

  1. I understood the “know” option is just a tag, but I wasn’t able to find a filter bottom specific to that in the filter section. The know word will be marked as know even in all the other decks.

  2. Hibernate as Anki, it just suspend the card? is the card not visible in other decks as well? For example if I hibernate a card in the Genki deck this word will be not visible in Wanikani deck?

  3. As long as hibernate can follow the purpose of not seeing that word and keep going with learning, there is no way to mark that word in a specific level. Mastering the word おはようございます will make a huge difference instead of hibernating and make it just not visible. In this way, I can use my other platform to take track of my progress. If I master 1000 words in bunpro I can easily mark it as master world (even if I learned those words in my book or Wanikani etc …)

I wish this I clarified my self enough :smiley: Thanks in advance for the answers!

Click the advance settings in the upper right and you will find the known filter on the lower here:

Deck filtering such as hibernation is deck specific, not global. But if marked as known, that is global to your account and can filter out however needed

Sorry, I couldn’t follow entirely…is there is a question?

Thanks for the quick answer :slight_smile: and thanks the 2 points are clear and make complete sense the way it is.

About the 3rd point, to make it easy… There is a way to change the level of a single card? For example, move the beginner to master?

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Got it, you can ‘demote’ and that is in the ‘Actions’ above. Kitsun does not allow level up ‘promote’ however (though you can put positives in the box, that was deemed a bug and it won’t stick), you can only level down. This was talked about though, especially when users were migrating their WK progress to Kitsun so maybe enough request will make it a feature.

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