Capabilities of Kitsun: sub-decks and layouts

Hi guys, :smiley:

I’m new on Kitsun and I tried several possibilities proposed by the website. It appears that it can be more convenient on my phone than Anki and I’m on the way to spend more time on Kitsun.
But before going any further, I need some information about Kitsun capabilities. I tried to find answers on the forum, unsuccessfully. So, I count on you to drive me on the good topic(s) if the subject has already been handled. Or answering if I’m the first to ask :blush:

Here is my point: I want to learn some vocabulary from my textbook (Minna no Nihongo), lesson by lesson.

Here are my questions:
1/ Do we have the possibility to separate a deck into sub-decks, like it is possible to do with Anki? I didn’t see it in the sharing decks.
2/ In a first time, I want to learn vocabulary in this way: French -> Japanese. Then, I want to be sure that I know the Kanji involved in the vocabulary of the first step (what you call Japanese -> reading in the layout).
-> Is it possible to do this with just one deck or two decks are necessary?
-> If it is not possible, is it easy to create another deck without rewriting all the vocabulary?
-> If it is possible, how the vocabulary without kanji is managed?
I saw that it is possible to create some layouts (Jap -> reading or meaning, English -> Jap), but if you want to do this step by step, do you have to activate/desactivate each time? How is it managed by SRS training? I can imagine it could have some confusions with just one deck?

Thank you in advance for your answers, I hope I am clear enough and I hope my english is not too weird to understand.

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I’ll gladly try to answer your questions:

Yes, but it does work differently. In Kitsun we have folders that you can use to organize your decks. However, you can not have a combined lesson/review session per folder. The folders function purely to give order.

You can do this with a single deck, but how you do it really depends on what exactly you want. Generally speaking a card can have multiple layouts. Each layout results in a “sibling card” during lessons and reviews. These siblings share the progress from reviews. So if you do one of them wrong, the whole card including the other layout(s) will go down a srs rank so to say.

If you dont want that, you could consider creating two separate cards, each with one layout.

It also depends on whether you want to drill the kanji separately, or still as part of the vocabulary (so 連盟 is the vocab, and you could choose to create separate cards for both 連 and 盟, or just learn the vocabulary reading for 連盟 (れんめい). I’m not which one you actually mean ^^

For vocabulary without kanji you could just leave out the secondary card or the secondary layout that you use, depending on your choice above.

I’m afraid I don’t quite follow what you mean here, could you perhaps elaborate? ^^
What do you mean by creating layouts? Do you mean adding layouts to cards, or do you mean the actual creation of layouts (so html/css etc).
And what do you mean by activating/deactivating?

I’m guessing you mean adding multiple layouts to one card? Then it would be as described above :smile:

I hope this clears up a bit of confusion for you! Feel free to ask more questions. I’ll gladly help! :smiley:

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Hi @Neicudi,

Thank you very much for your quick answers! It makes things clear.
For the last question, I realised that I was not very clear, so let be more specific.

Please, take a look at this screenshot: it shows that different layouts can be switched on and switched off depending on the type of learning we want to do.

I understood that one card owns 3 “sibling cards” and if you make a mistake, all the siblings are impacted. But, doing a review with “English -> Japanese” will have an impact on the time review of “Japanese -> Reading”, or each layout has an own time review?

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Ah I see what you are getting at :smile:

I think you are using one of the N5-N1 decks judging by the layouts in the screenshot? In that case: Yes, a mistake in any layout will cause the whole card to rank down. They do not have separate SRS.

This all comes down to how the deck was set up. If your cards have multiple layouts then the SRS is shared.

Do note that the setting in your screenshot is a collection of all layouts used in that deck. Meaning that it is not a good indicator of how many siblings a card has as a deck can contain multiple cards with each having different layouts (like 1 card with Japanese -> meaning & Japanese -> reading and 1 card with English-> Japanese).


Thank you for your answers.
In my case, it means that I need to build two separate decks :+1:
Have a nice day.

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You could do it in one deck and have two separate cards of the same values.

That said, I’m working on card copy functionality which would be perfect for this usecase :smile: Should make it much less effort to create two cards with the same data :slight_smile:

Thanks! You too :smile:

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