Can we have the ability to change the background colour of copied layout

Hello Guys.

I’ve copied some layouts so I could twick them without having to redo the whole wheel.

Especially the vocab/kanji layouts and I noticed I could not access the CSS, or even have access to a button for that matter, in order to just change the background color of a card at will.

I understand the main community and shared layouts are restricted to owner’s alterations only. But why can’t we twick one once we copied it to our private session ?

The only way is to start from scratch your own layout…which is not a very efficient method, nor a lazy guy’s or gal’s best friend lol.

A ) So kitsune-Sama, would you be so kind as to at least grant us the ability to change the colour of the background of cards in copied layouts with the press of a button and a colour picker maybee ?

B ) I don’t know if you can already add or erase fields on copied layouts but if not, well that be nice to have that ability as well…right ?

Thanks for reading this everyone. And please let me know if I am doing something wrong or if i’m just blind to something that already exist haha!

Here is a magnificent Fox I stole…uhum…borrowed from Google image as an Appreciation offering !

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In case you are talking about getting a layout from the community centre, you should be able to fully edit those as those copies are then linked to your own account.

Or perhaps you are talking about when you grab a deck from the community centre? The layouts included in the deck are not editable.

The only way to do this is by editing the css (which you should be able to do). As every layout is different, Kitsun doesn’t know which HTML element to change the color of automatically.

Yes, you should already be able to. You have full ownership of the copied templates/layouts. Do keep in mind that you might have to change the layouts as well as those fields are probably used in there.

That’s a pretty awesome fox :grin:

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Oh, maybee that’s why. I must have taken a deck and then copied its layout, instead of going straight to layouts and copy the ones i needed…

Or maybee I created a deck, chose a layout and then copied it…which will probably results in the same problem haha!

I’ve read the documentations several times but I still get confused so please bear :bear: with me while I slowly and painfully learn the ways of the fox :fox_face: and its den society :japanese_castle:

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This is the menu I’m in, but still can’t touch the CSS…What am I doing wrong ?

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Ah right, I figured you were talking about hinekidori’s layouts that you got from the community centre. The ones you are trying to edit are the ones that I added as defaults for everyone to start with. Those aren’t editable.

What you could do is duplicate the template (@ edit template page), which also makes personal copies for all the associated layouts.

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Thanks! I’ll try copying the template then.

So far it seems to work for the fields. I’ll be back in a bit to tell you about the rest.

Okay, now I have access to the css! Amazing ! Thank you Fox God…wait, I brought you your favourite maiden and chocolate as a thank you !!!

What does the Fox God thinks about these presents ?



+1 for Babymetal reference
