When trying to update my settings (tested with “General” and “Lessons & reviews”), the server returns a 500 error.
Tested with Firefox Dev Edition (private browsing), Firefox Nightly (normal browsing), and Chromium (private browsing), all on Void Linux.
- Request (changing the timezone from Europe/London to Europe/Paris)
{ "hideTooltips": false, "theme": "default-theme", "timeZone":"Europe/Paris" }
- Response
{ "success": false, "message": "Could not save user", "error": { "errors": { "subscriptions.2.endpoint": { "message": "Path `endpoint` is required.", "name": "ValidatorError", "properties": { "message": "Path `{PATH}` is required.", "type": "required", "path":"endpoint" }, "kind": "required", "path": "endpoint", "$isValidatorError": true } }, "_message": "User validation failed", "message": "User validation failed: subscriptions.2.endpoint: Path `endpoint` is required.", "name":"ValidationError" } }
In case it is relevant:
- account creation date: 2019-03-27
- subscription: monthly
- subscription date: 2021-06-07